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Mezzoloth Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Fiend (Yugoloth).    


  Your size is Medium.    


  Your walking speed is 40 feet.    

Abyssal Resistance

  You are resistant to cold, fire, and lightning damage.    


  You have 30 feet of darkvision.    

Demonic Hide

  You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.    

Four Arms

  You have 4 arms and 4 free hands.    

Magic Resistance

  You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.    

Mezzoloth Claws

  Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 2d4 slashing damage.    

Mezzoloth Training

  You are immune to acid damage.    

Mezzoloth Weakness

  Whenever you receive thunder damage, you become stunned until the end of your next turn.    

River Styx Shortcut

  Action - Teleport to an empty space you can see up to 60 feet away from you.    


  You are immune to poison damage and being poisoned.    

"Don't underestimate those claws. They're precise enough to wield a trident, and sharp enough to serve as one."