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Ogre Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Giant.    


  Your size is Large.    


  Your walking speed is 30 feet.    

Big Soft Belly

  You are vulnerable to piercing and slashing damage.    

Ogre Appetite

  Whenever you deal at least 10 unarmed attack damage to a creature, you may regain 1d10 hit points for every 10 damage you dealt.    

Ogre Chomp

  Action - Make an unarmed attack against a creature within melee range of you. If you hit, your target takes an additional 1d12 bludgeoning damage and becomes deafened until the end of your next turn.    

Ogre Manners

  You may roll Cook's Utensils instead of Persuasion.    

Vaprak's Hunger

  Whenever you are at less than half health, you gain disadvantage on all rolls except Cook's Utensils and attack rolls.    

As the smallest giants, ogres had to find creative ways to survive.