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Oni Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Giant.    


  Your size is Large.    


  Your walking speed is 30 feet.    


  You have 30 feet of Darkvision.    

Ogre Manners

  You may roll Cook's Utensils instead of Persuasion.    

Oni Claws

  Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d6 slashing damage.    

Oni Darkness

  You may cast the spell darkness at will.    

Oni Invisibility

  You may cast the spell invisibility at will.    

Oni Regeneration

  At the beginning of your turn, you may regain 1d10 hit points. You must have at least 1 hit point to use this ability.    

Oni Shapeshift

  Action - You magically polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, another Large giant, or back into your true form. Any creature may use an action to roll Insight against your Deception to determine when you are not in your true form.    

Oni are born of suspicious thoughts.