Owl Shot

Owl Shot


Very Rare

Ammunition, Ancient, Light

Weapon - At the beginning of your turn, you may roll Sleight of Hand. On a 20 or higher, you gain an additional bonus action this turn. On a natural 1, you deal 6d6 piercing damage to yourself.

Overheat - At the end of your turn, if you attacked with this weapon more than once this turn you must roll Tinker's Tools. On a 9 or lower, you take 6d6 fire damage.

Ancient - If you have Future Ancient Tech, this weapon deals 2d8 piercing damage instead of 1d6 and you may ignore its Overheat trait.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d6 Piercing 60/120 ft

Cost: 1500 sp
Weight: 1 lb