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Pseudodragon Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Dragon.    


  Your size is Tiny.    


  Your walking speed is 15 feet.    


  You have 10 feet of blindsight.    


  You have 30 feet of darkvision.    


  During a shared long rest, you may become a familiar for another willing creature until either of you decides to end your contract. While you are a creature's familiar, you may communicate telepathically with each other while you are on the same plane and they gain your Magic Resistance trait while they are within 10 feet of you.   You may only be a familiar for one creature at a time.    

Keen Senses

  You have advantage on Perception rolls.    

Limited Telepathy

  You can telepathically communicate simple ideas, emotions, and images with any creature you can perceive that can understand a language.    

Magic Resistance

  You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.    

Pseudodragon Hide

  Your AC is at least 13.    

Pseudodragon Wings

  You have a flying speed of 60 feet.    

Pseudodragon Stinger

  Action - Make an unarmed attack against a creature within melee range of you. If you hit, your target must pass a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. If they fail the saving throw by 5 or more, your target falls unconscious for the duration of the poison, or until they take damage.    

Pseudodragons appear to have escaped Tiamat's wrath for now, though who knows how long that will last.