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Sahuagin Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Humanoid.    


  Your size is Medium.    


  Your walking speed is 30 feet.    

Blood Frenzy

  You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.    

Curse of Ra

  Whenever you start your turn out of water, you gain disadvantage on ability checks until your next turn.    

Dermal Denticles

  Your AC is at least 12.    

Rite of the Shark God

  Action - Choose a creature you can perceive that doesn't have all its hit points, then create a Hunter Shark under your control in an empty space adjacent to your target. You may only use this ability once per long rest.    

Shark Speed

  You have a 40 foot swimming speed.    

Shark Telepathy

  You may telepathically communicate with any shark you can see.    

The war between sharks and elves predates history.