Ship Rules

Driving Ships

Whenever you begin your turn in a ship, you may drive that ship this turn. Driving a ship allows the following options:  

Anchor Rappel

Action - Roll Acrobatics. You descend from your ship to the surface below, ignoring falling damage if you rolled a 10 or higher on your Acrobatics. You may only use this ability while your anchor is down.  

Anchor's Away

Action - Roll Athletics. On a 20 or higher, your ship's anchor is pulled up.  


Action - Roll vehicles against an enemy ship's captain rolling vehicles. If you win, all attacks from anything on your ship against anything on the enemy ship gain advantage.  

Drop Anchor

Action - Roll Athletics. On a 20 or higher, your ship is immobilized for as long as your anchor is down.  


Action - Roll vehicles against an enemy ship's navigator rolling navigator's tools. If you win, your ship escapes from combat and can't be raided by that ship until your ship rests.  


Action - Roll vehicles against an enemy ship's captain rolling vehicles. If you win, your target must accept an on-location Black Bird's Challenge or their ship takes 10d100 fire damage.  

Ship Roles

Each ship has a number of roles for its crew. Whenever you rest on a ship, you may select your role:  
  • Captain (limit 1)
    • Allies within line of sight of you have advantage on rolls against being frightened as long as you aren't frightened.
  • First Mate (limit 1)
    • Your captain has advantage on death saving throws while you are conscious.
  • Boarding Party
    • You have advantage on grapple rolls.
  • Bosun
    • You have advantage on Investigation rolls.
  • Cannoneer
    • You have resistance to fire damage.
  • Cook
    • You have advantage on Cook's Utensils rolls.
  • Doctor
    • You have advantage on Medicine rolls.
  • Lookout
    • You have advantage on Perception rolls.
  • Navigator
    • You have advantage on Navigator's Tools rolls.