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Skeleton Traits


Creature Type

  You are an Undead.    


  Your size is Small, Medium, or Large.    


  Your walking speed is 30 feet.    

Act Natural

  You may freely cast the spell Feign Death on yourself once per long rest. When you cast the spell on yourself this way, you may end the effect freely at any time.    

Afterlife Experience

  You may cast the spell Speak With Dead at will.    

Bone Structure

  Your AC is at least 13 but you are vulnerable to bludgeoning damage unless you are wearing heavy armor.    

No Rest for the Wicked

  You don't need to sleep, and can maintain light activity throughout a long rest.    

Prospooktus Citizenship

  You have advantage on Intimidation rolls.    


  You are immune to poison damage and being poisoned.    

Sends shivers down your spine.