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Squirrel Traits


Creature Type

  You are a Beast.    


  Your size is Tiny.    


  Your walking speed is 30 feet.    


  During a shared long rest, you may become a familiar for another willing creature until either of you decides to end your contract. While you are a creature's familiar, you may communicate telepathically with each other while you are on the same plane and they gain your Squirrel Chatter trait while they are within 100 feet of you.   You may only be a familiar for one creature at a time.    

Itsy Bitsy

  You don't provoke opportunity attacks from creatures with lower initiative than you.    

Nut Job

  Action - Roll Investigation. On a 20 or higher, you find an Yggdrasil Acorn.    


  You may communicate telepathically with creatures you can see within 120 feet of you.    

Squirrel Chatter

  You may cast the spell Animal Friendship at will.    

Go nuts!

Notable Squirrels:

