
Tarakuma is the settlement on Kearcy near Ephion's spring. After the Great Calamity, Tarakuma has become a refuge for Fus-edi all over Okmodai.


Many of the Fus-edi who live in Tarakuma were born from Ephion's Spring and have lived here their entire life. The tribe is a tightknit community and firm loyalists to the goddess Ephion, the goddess of creation. The believe of 'one for all and all for one' is deeprooted into their way of life, making it a tribe that has some of the oldest Fus-edi recorded. Everyone has their role within the tribe and shares in the resources.   Despite the tribe's history, outsiders are welcomed with open arms as long as they are willing to follow the Tarakuman flow of life. Sick individuals are cared for without prejudice, allthough the people of the tribe are wary of individuals infected with Xag'dranog's Rot.

Points of interest

Ephion's Spring is located about 30 minutes away from the main tribe location. At the bottom of the waterfall lies a crystal clear pool of water, blessed by the goddess Ephion. At the bottom of this spring many colorful buds can be observed; every now and then a bud comes up and a little Fus-edi is born from it. The Tarakuman tribe take in these Kirren and they often stay well into adulthood.


Despite they permanence of the settlement, it mainly consists of tents. Skins, bones and wood are the main building materials used and large single layer structures are a common sight around. Hunters pride themselves in adorning their huts with parts from their rarest kills, while seamstresses might adorn their huts with intricate embroidery.   Due to the nature of these structures new ones can easily be set up for guests or temporary residents. It is believed to be bad luck to move into someone else's hut, which often results in the huts being torn down once the original resident vacates it. The whole community will come together to set up a new home for those in need of it. Most common cases of new huts being built are when a Kirren moves out, when two Fus-edi mate for life and when a new resident arrives on the island.   The building of a new home specific for the intended resident is believed to imbue the home with positive energy, wishes of prosperity and good luck.


The Tarakuma tribe is located on a great plain in northern Kearcy, just south of the forest that's home to Ephion's Spring. Due to the space on the plains threats are usually seen far in advance. The plains are filled with colorful flowers during spring and summer time and long, lucious grasses during the autumn and winter.   A little river passes by the tribelands which supplies the Tarakuman people with water.


Kearcy has a fairly stable climate due to being a small island. The proximity from the ocean all around ensures that the summers aren't too scalding and the winters don't get too frigid. Kearcy rarely sees snow, instead having a wet season with loads of rain during the winter and autumn months. While the summer and spring are often a little drier, the island has what is considered an "ideal, stable and neutral climate".

Natural Resources

On Kearcy people practice many trades and many resources are available. While the main biomes are plains and forests, there are also some caves in which stones and minerals are aquired. Due to the small size of the island ocean and tidepool fishing is also popular. There are few freshwater fish on the island, but bugs are plentiful.
Tarakuma's location on Kearcy
Alternative Name(s)
Ephion's Tribe
Large town
Related Tradition (Primary)


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