
Velendria is a potluck type of feast most commonly celebrated by the tribe on Kearcy.


Velendria actually finds it's roots in an era of famine after the Great Calamity. Food was scarce and the amount of injured high; the Tarakuman tribe's people came together to make whatever they could find last.    A large, cylindrical tub was fashioned out of metal and placed over a large fire. The fire was kept burning continuously, with the contents of the pot being refilled as soon as hunters came back, farmers managed to succesfully cultivate a crop or gatherers found edible fruits and herbs. The contents of the pot had to be rationed, so once a day the entire tribe came together around the fire to share a meal, stories, worries, resources and just have some friendly contact. Most nights the entire tribe slept around the fire, soaking up the heat of both it and the bodies around them.


Nowadays Velendria is celebrated out of gratefulness rather than necessity. Fus-edi of the Tarakuman tribe gather once a month, stoke a fire underneath the pot and keep it going for at least three days, or until the pot is empty. Much like in the days of the Great Calamity they gather around the fire and share stories, resources, a meal.. and now that it's safe again even some laughs.    It is still tradition that all those participating and able add at least one food item to the pot, to share in the wealth and prosperity amassed. Beside a potluck and a way to remember what happened Velendria is also a feast of kinship.

Components and tools

Velendria's main component is the large, cylindrical pot. This pot is the original one crafted during the famine. The pot is the only component that's set in stone; due to the nature of the feast participants bring whatever they can and are willing to spare. Usually this consists of meats, fruits, vegetables and herbs, but also blankets, pillows and clothing items are donated during the colder months.   Any non-perishable items left after the feast are used for tribe visitors, the injured and any lost souls who might need them.


Traditionally the entire tribe attends the feast and most guests and temporary residents also gather. The sick, injured and otherwise impaired will be served stew in their homes and provided with any donated necessities they might need.    Every night a handful of volunteers stay up during the night to keep the fire going.


Ever since the necessity waned Velendria is celebrated once a month during the new moon. The absence of the moon was considered a tie in with the dark times the feast originated from.
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Aug 20, 2024 20:08 by Deleyna Marr

I like that this has turned into a celebration for helping each other.
