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Baerl Dunbar

Phearial Dunbar

Baerl Dunbar is a human engineer who teachers as Fyer Academy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Baerl is an average Midlander. He is skinny but not too much, tall but not too tall, is generally nonathletic and lean.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I am a human, just like you. Although it was a long time ago I was a student, and I studied every day just like you. It was a different time and a different place, and it was way easier. We didn't have most of the physics or calculus we have today. When I was a student I really liked art, and I liked to make things. I used to make gears from wood in my father's workshop and paint pictures, I made clocks and I made replicas of certain mechanisms and all kind of things. I just thought it was fun to make miniature windmills and things like that. I bought an old Dwarven steam cart when I was fourteen years old. It didn't run but it was a Oldsmobile Jetstar 88. It was an enormous just a... whoa! So I bought this cart because I wanted to know how carts work so I took apart the engine and got it working so I would use it to get around. I painted tortoises on my cart, all over it. It was some metaphor for something that at the time I thought was clever, now I can't even remember anything about it except I remember that my little sister was so embarrassed by my cart, she used to say "Baerl let me out early" and I was supposed to drop her off further away from the school so nobody would see her getting out of my cart, so of course big brother that I was I just honked the horn the entire way to the school. That is what big brothers do. I wanted to study in Iron Rock, and many of my friends did not approve of that. I wrote them a letter and to my surprise, I got a response from a Dwarven engineer. But I thought that architecture is perfect from someone who likes art and engineering, so I ended up going to an architect in Godsway because I wanted to stay close to home. It was fun and I learned a lot of things but I never felt at home there because I was surrounded by people with so. Much. Money. I had friends who would just go out and buy bread. I was working under the architect and was working two jobs, and there was no way I had money to go out and buy food. I eventually left the architect and went to live in The Realm. I got a job building brick walls. I stayed there for several months. It was nice to be free but bad to be poor. I then came back to Midland, and there was no way I could come back to the teacher in Godsway so I sent a letter to the engineer of Iron Rock and eventually moved there. I studied engineering in his workshop. After some time he told me to show him what I learned, and to build something myself. I built it out of my old cart. It had big springs in the wheels and gears and things like that, and I got lead weights too. I built a gyroscope, it actually weighed a lot, something like 300 pounds. I learned a lot about gyroscopes and for me it was just a fun thing to do. The engineer told me I was ready to carry on by myself. It was time for me to get to work. The only big thing I made is a gyroscope but turns out the people in the observatory got really excited. They were building an optic system guided by gyroscopes. That was a very interesting thing for me, to work on the observatory. I learned a lot about engineering that I didn't know. I learned that engineers have to communicate a lot, they talk to each other constantly. If you're an engineer and you can't communicate, if you can't read and write well, you're a bad engineer. I also learned that sometimes bad things happen. We finished the observatory and it was just sitting there waiting for its first testing, and then the engine room exploded, and people died. They fixed the engines and finally began testing, opened the big lens cap, and aimed it at some stars, and it didn't work. It was a huge national joke because it couldn't focus on the things it was supposed to focus on. This thing is designed so precisely it should be able to focus on a coin on Midland, it is incredibly focused. But there was an error in the shape of one of the mirrors, and the error came from a negative sign error in the equation for the curve. So we had to wait more time for it to be fixed and after that it worked perfectly. There are a couple ways to be promoted in a Dwarven workshop. One way is to work very hard and kiss up a lot, and hope that people notice you. The other way is to leave the workshop, work somewhere else for a while, and then get hired back at a higher position. I am a lazy person, I did the second thing. When I was hired back to the observatory my job was more supervisory and a little less fun. I was kind of a bad guy. In a workshop someone is always going to check your work, and I was the guy who did that. For me that wasn't creative so I started a project. Each engine has its steam power supply, and a steam distribution center. It is all very heavy. I designed my own steam power supply and I made this prototype. In a meeting with a bunch of people who had nothing to do with power supplies but were supervisors, I said "hey, by the way, I have this power supply I'm working on, and I think I can save you tens of thousandths of coins for every project you work on. I thought they might laugh at me but I brought the model in. I showed by calculations to the engineers in the room and they said "this is going to save this workshop a lot of gold." They did not laugh at me, and I got the promotion I always wanted! Then I quit. I wanted to do something where we're not arguing over the size of a bolt all the time so I went back to Godsway to teach people what I learned, I got a big cut in pay, and got a job teaching math in a small school near Godsway. I thought I was going to be the coolest teacher and it's going to be easy and fun. Turns out it's very hard and not fun. I went through several schools around Godsway and then I heard about a new academy called Fyer Academy. I thought to myself that's the stupidest name I've ever heard but I applied to a position because they wanted somebody to teach engineering. I still paint and draw and make things.
— Baerl Dunbar


Taught by architect in Godsway and an engineer in Iron Rock.


Baerl worked as a construction worker in The Realm, engineer in the observatory of Iron Rock, and as a teacher.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, Artistic

Personality Characteristics


Baerl wants to have fun and to explore his interests.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, kind, enthusiastic, excellent engineer

Wealth & Financial state

Since leaving Iron Rock Baerl isn't making a lot of money as a teacher.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1456 POC 51 Years old
Current Residence
Green, squinty
Short, half brown half gray
143 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
You don't want your education to pass by you like a warm summer's day
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish

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