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War of Midland

Midland - Pre War

The Conflict


It was several years after the beginning of Vaulia's golden age. King Alexandre IV's brother-in-law and Marshal Louis Dubois began speaking of territorial expansion after returning from a successful campaign in Kabir. At the same time, Alexandre's wife was having an affair with Louis and birthed a son thought to be of Alexandre's. Louis's movement became so popular among the citizens that when Louis Alexandre, there was no resistance. Louis initially wished to simply exile Alexandre and his family, but Alexandre's wife convinced Louis to order a public execution, exiling only her and Louis's son, Bernard. Now Ruler and General, Louis was ready to continue the expansion of Vaulia.


Kabir being a center for trade, it was important for the rest of the powers in Midland. Rineland, The Realm, and Daesland all declared war on Vaulia. With help from forces of the Realm, Kabir re-captured its territories and Vaulia was forced out. On its Western front, Vaulia was beginning to lose its battles versus Daesland, especially when forces of the Realm arrived there too. The Vaulian forces were pushed back, but the enemy was pushing further into Vaulian territory following the King's command, until they had encountered the Vaulian reinforcements earlier than expected, tired from the pursuit. The Vaulians would win the following battles, and forces of the Realm had to withdraw to its ally, Sheffania. The Realm would suddenly end its engagement in the war. Louis Dubois pushed his forces into Southern Sheffania, as well as Daesland on the western front, winning battle after battle. Daesland, exhausted, was forced to sign a peace treaty and forgo much of its eastern territories. After several battles between Vaulia and Rineland which ended in stalemates, they would sign a peace treaty, ending their engagement in war. Southern Sheffania and Eastern Daesland were made into puppet states by Vaulia. Several years later, the Daeslanders rebelled against Vaulia, and Louis ordered an occupation. Rineland warned Vaulia to end its occupation, but it did not, so Rineland declared war on Vaulia again. Rineland placed fortifications and soldiers on its borders, fearing a Vaulian invasion. The Realm joined Rineland in declaring war on Vaulia, quickly liberating Daesland. Meanwhile Vaulia had annexed Northern Sheffania. Baefia was allied with Vaulia, and attempted a naval attack on Rineland with Vaulia. Rineland crushed both fleets after the general's boat was critically hit and sunk. Louis marched his army to Daesland, where he defeated the opposing army which was struggling to get on its feet after liberation. A joint army of readied Daesland soldiers and forces of the Realm now approached. Against all odds, Louis killed 28,000 soldiers while only losing 10,000. Daesland signed a treaty with Vaulia, gave up more of its lands and exited the war. Unbeknownst to Daesland, Louis had secretly kept his forces in Daesland, while only sending a small fraction home. Louis then swiftly pushed against Daesland once more to capture it completely, and now headed towards its western border with Kingsland. Meanwhile, Portland continued trading with Rineland, so Vaulia and Baefia invaded. Soon after their victory, which costed mostly Baefian lives, Louis turned on Baefia, capturing it too and Portland. Rineland was fighting the Vaulian navy, trying to liberate Portland. Short on ships, Louis ordered to capture several Dwarven ships from the Kaladounian Sea, declaring war on the Dwarven League. As forces of the Realm were marching to the border of Daesland, Louis had to leave Baefia and march his troops to Daesland. Baefia and Portland would quickly regain control with help from Rineland. On his way to Daesland, Louis would amass the largest army every seen. As the Vaulian forces pushed, forces of the Realm fled. Louis managed to conquer lands deep into Kingsland, but his forces were exhausted. As a counter attack was coming from the North, Louis had no option than to lead his forces through Iron Rock. The Dwarves blocked the usual paths, and did not bother sending its forces to confront Louis, as many of his soldiers would starve and die in the reckless mountains. Louis managed to escape to Vaulia, and quickly replenished his numbers, but had withdrew his forces from Kingsland and Daesland. Rineland, Baefia, Portland, and the Realm were on Vaulia's doorstep. In a final attempt, Louis lead a great victory versus enemy forces in Eastern Daesland, but the combined forces of his enemies forced him to retreat. The forces would soon capture all of Vaulia. Louis was executed, and the forces re-drew the borders of Midland, granting Vaulia its original territory back, but in the hands of a pious government. Unbeknownst to all, Louis's son Bernard would land in Vaulia, back from exile, and determined to claim the throne. Thinking he was the rightful heir of Alexandre people rallied behind him. Bernard wished to rebuild diplomatic relations with the counties of Midland, and decided to keep parts of the pious government to appease the other forces of Midland. Bernard's father secretly left him instructions of what to do he arrives, which was to order the constructions of castles and walls on the border with Daesland. Bernard did not like his father, but valued his tactical prowess.   To regrow its economy, Daesland and Kabir signed a declaration of friendship. The local populous of Daesland did not approve of the declaration. As a response, a Daesland overthrew its leaders and put in place a notorious warlord. To play to his audience, the warlord rapidly militarized Daesland, and demanded tribute from the small neighboring country of Midland. When Midland refused, unaware of Daesland's militarization, Daesland declared war. At the time, Midland was allied with and virtually a puppet state to The Realm, so they declared war on Daesland in response. Vaulia declared war on Daesland too, still wishing to expand its borders into it and as a show of good faith. Vaulia asked Rineland to join the war, but it decided to stay out of the conflict.   Daesland had a plan. They knew that because of the size and sparseness of The Realm, they would take a long time to prepare for war. Daesland sent all troops into Vaulia to conquer it, then send them back to the western border to fight The Realm. The issue was that Vaulia had many forts and castles along its western border, so Daesland decided to go around them by going along Fyer Lake. Fyer Lake belongs to the Dwarven League, which is neutral, but Daesland wanted to march nearly 750,000 troops through it to bypass the Vaulian defenses. They hoped the Dwarven League would not fight on the lake, but they did, and slowed Daesland's armies. Even worse for Daesland, Rineland troops arrived, angered at Daesland for invading neutral territories. The Dwarven League decided to withdraw to their mountains, and Daesland managed to push through Fyer Lake.   News of the war have arrived to Vyrenia, who only wanted the war to be over quickly to resume trade.   Meanwhile, The Realm is ready for war, much earlier than expected. Daesland commanded Daesia, its neighboring puppet state, to guard and hold the pass coming from the Winguard Mountains while they finish conquering Vaulia. Daesia could not hold the pass. Daesland sent some troops back west to defend against The Realm. Further south on the same front, Daesland had managed to push back troops of The Realm, and continued to secure their hold of Midland. On the eastern front, Daesland managed to push past Vaulian fortifications. The Bernard ordered all his troops to retreat, and construct fortified encampments.   With Vaulia and Daesland stuck at a stalemate, Kabir was divided on whether or not to join the war. A band of young officials who were for war embarked to the Lake of Serpents and attacked The Realm. Kabirian entry to the war was of particular concern to Rineland, because Kabirian trade was an important part of their economy. The Kabirian troops were defeated by The Realm. All officials in Kabir who were for the war were blamed for the loss, and executed in the streets. Rineland began trading with Portland, and Daesland declared war on them too as a response. Meanwhile, The Realm was getting pushed back further into its territory. Rineland then convinced Helia to join the war on their side, and landed there to the Kabirian borders. They cut off many supply lines to and from Kabir.   Meanwhile, all sides are exhausted. There are mutinies in the Vaulian army, Daesland populous was starving, and The Realm were out of all supplies. There was no clear winner. A nationalist uprising in The Realm overthrew the king and declared a new king, who withdrew from the war with a loss of territory. Now Daesland only had an eastern front. There was a problem: Vyrenia looked as if it was going to join the war. They have been selling supplies to Rineland and Vaulia throughout the war, and was growing in wealth. Eventually Vyrenia did join, and embarked units headed to Midland. The only hope for Daesland no was to force Vaulian and Rineland troops to surrender before Vyrenian forces arrive. They converged their troops and attempted a push forwards, which failed. With Vyrenian troops now arriving, they launched a counter attack and conquered Daesia and Daesland.


The war was fought almost exclusively in Midland, though some fighting made it to the shores of Kabir. Troops fought on grass, plains, and rolling hills.


All areas of life of participants suffer tremendously. Less so for Kabir, and almost not at all for the people of Iron Rock.


Newly united Midland grew in power and prosperity as a result of the union. The Realm is not happy about Midland not being liberated by the union, and Sheffania isn't happy either.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Midland, Daesia and Daesland were conquered. Vaulia and Rineland, and neighboring small countries united into Midland.


  • Midland - Pre War

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Very strong




To end the war quickly by conquering Vaulia then Midland and some of Kingsland.

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To conquer Cerbland and hold off The Realm until Daesland arrives

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To defend Vaulia and finish the war quickly

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To defend Vaulia and finish the war quickly
The Realm

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To defend Midland and Kingsland
The Dwarves

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To defend Fyer Lake


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