Cereasian Pathway Monks

The Cereasian Pathway Monks, or Cereasian Monks as they are more commonly known, are a small non-religious group which reside in an unnamed hamlet near the peak of the mountains between Kirdrane and Therivale. They are united under a code of beliefs known as The Six Pathways.

The Six Pathways dictate the way of life for the members of the monastery, teaching them to become strong in order to protect themselves and others.


The Cereasian Monastery is lead by a master, who was given the title by founding or inheritance from a previous leading master. Alongside the leading master is a small group of masters whom teach the newer monks in the ways of The Six Pathways. No master or disciple is considered to be above one another in class. All relations between members of the monastery are that of teachers and students.

Newcomers to the monastery are given chances to learn under all present masters, however they are assigned a primary teacher which they study under.

Before becoming a master, members of the monastery are required to leave on a nomadic journey while upholding The Six Pathways wherever they go.


The Six Pathways

The Six Pathways were determined by the first 6 masters of the monastery. Each master returned from their journeys with a Pathway to lead those who came after them.
  • Refine yourself, for there is always room to grow
  • To remain stagnant is to fall, you must catch yourself and continue
  • Your Strength is a pillar for others to rely on
  • Rashness is tolerable only when the weak are threatened
  • There is no such thing as perfection, but we should not fear reaching for it
  • Good is inherent in us all, but it must be nurtured by our deeds

Public Agenda

The Cereasian Monks are dedicated to helping those in need, whether it be to risk their lives defending the weak, or simply providing food and a warm place to sleep away from the dangers of the rest of the world.

For anyone who is in need of help, will find themselves a home in the peaks of Therivale.


Early History

Much of the history of the Cereasian Monastery is unrecorded, due to a lack of recording, and the destruction of the rare records which did exist during the dissolvement of the monastery in the absence of the current leading master, Dord1.

Present Day

The monastery is currently lead by master Dord, who restored the sanctuary with the help of his brother, master Derbut, and the remaining masters who returned to the mountains upon hearing of the brothers' return. Currently, the monastery is at it's largest in history, with new students climbing the mountain after hearing folk tales of a traveling Dwarf monk of the Cereasian Pillars, who helped those in need, wherever he went.

1 Dord's upbringing in the Cereasian Monastery can be found in his article.
Alternative Names
Cereaseian Monks


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