
Written by KrakenWakes

Dwarves are a species of humanoids which are famous for their mastery of minerals, alcohol, and beardcraft. There are three sub species of Dwarves, being Hill, Mountain, and Snow. Each sub species has developed small biological differences to adapt to their environments. Culturally, the Hill and Mountain Dwarves are very similar, however the Snow Dwarves are rumoured to live in smaller communities relying more on fishing and hunting, and thus are culturally separated from others of their kind.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dwarves of all types are shorter than a typical humanoid species, though they are all often quite heavy due to dense bones and natural musculature. Compared to other species, Dwarves grow body and facial hair very quickly. This hair is what has allowed Snow Dwarves to occupy the freezing winds of the Drugar expanse, and the Hill and Mountain Dwarves to resist the cold thin air of the tall hills and mountains.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Major Dwarven settlements of the temperate climates of Sciadan, the Fractured Isles, and the Karican continent have tended to follow monarchies of Dwarven or Human leadership1.

Due to their reclusivity on the Dru'grar Expanse, not much is known about the societal structures of the Snow Dwarves. Communities are rumoured to be small and without traditional leaders.

1 See Article on King Kirk

Facial characteristics

Male Dwarves feature strong brow ridges and chins, while females feature softer chins and strong cheekbones. Most females have freckles.

Male Dwarves are also extremely common to grow strong facial hair in the form of full beards. The styling of one's beard is considered a high point of fashion for Dwarves, as clothing is typically focused on function over looks.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The biology of Dwarves has allowed them to prosper in all moderate and cold environments, with most settlements being made in the base of great mountains or underground. The origins of the Dwarves is yet to be determined, however the major settlements of the Dwarves appeared first in the mountain ranges of Sciadan.

Average Intelligence

While they are not known for high standards of knowledge, Dwarves are incredibly clever when it comes to practical application. Dwarves have taken naturally to smithing and engineering, constructing impressive works of automation with little study required. While the technology and history of the outside world is not of typical interest to Dwarves, the more technical and studeous are very interested in specifically the magical developments and alcoholic brewing of other cultures.
150 years
Average Height
1.2m - 1.4m
Average Weight
80kg - 100kg
Average Physique
Dwarves are short with strong frames, regardless of gender, however females tend to be slightly shorter than males, with smaller muscles in the arms and back.


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