

Sciadan is a larger area, encompassing the entire northern part of the continent, it's a a denser forest area with various rivers and lakes in between. To the East there is a large mountain range with various paths and cave networks connecting it to the Underdark as well as to other parts of Sciadan,

Localized Phenomena

The most common recorded phenomena that seems to only be within Sciadan are the naturally occuring ooze cleaning creatures, otherwise known commonly as 'Magic Cleaners'. These strange fungus colonies are mindless creatures akin to that of common ooze monsters, yet these do not have a natural predator or prey. Magic Cleaners instead roam the land aimlessly and clean up residue both natural and magical as their diet. They're often found in the alleys of cities and towns, however larger colonies can be found near the magic colleges and in towns with larger concentrations of magic practitioners.


Sciadans climate varies depending on the time of year. It has one of the most varying climates in the world as it gets cold in the winter, though not to the point of snow, and decently warm in the summer. Rain is also a very common occurence anywhere to the west of the mountain range.

Natural Resources

The worlds largest lumber supplier due to the dense forests across the land, Sciadan also has a great market for fishing due to the various port towns and lakes strewn about the region. Due to the vast mountain and cave networks, towns that are around those areas usually have mines, providing more Adamantine and Abyssium than other places in the world due to the unique formations in the caves. The eastern coast also has unique harvestable flora growing around due to the druidic influence on the area.


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