The Hallowed Halls

The grand church that Shadow's Refuge is constructed around. The Hallowed Halls serve as a barracks, training grounds, home and everything else for the people of Shadow's Refuge.

Purpose / Function

The Hallowed Halls serve as the main barracks and training grounds for the Shadow's Ward, a group of Paladins, Clerics and otherwise holy and blessed individuals that have devoted their service to making Shade Hills a safer, more liveable place. The Halls themselves are their home, kitchen, recreational areas and praying grounds. The place is intended to be as holy as possible, going as far as being the place of worship of multiple gods, with various other statues and worship rooms still being constructed.


The Halls themselves started out as simply a barracks while the people of Shadow's Refuge were still collecting their bearings after the Shadow Incursions, though over time as the people of Shadow's Refuge called on to more gods for help and power, the Halls evolved into a grand church of battle, several rooms and halls being built onto the building to accomodate more religions and people.


The architecture is rigid and solid, mined quartz and marble from the nearby mines being used to give it a gleaming and bright look compared to the dreary and shadowy surrounding area. The reason for the marble specifically is that ancient humans in Karica believed that marble had anti-undead properties due to it being pure and holy to counteract the shadows. This, of course, is nothing but a myth, but to keep tradition alive Shadow's Ward built the Hallowed Halls out of it.


The building itself radiates a cleansing aura from a chunk of enchanted amethyst placed in the center of the halls, making it so undead can't even approach without being hindered. Otherwise, the buildings only other defense is its clerics.


The building once started as just a shrine in the center of a village, one the people would give worship to in hopes of a brighter future for their town, not wanting to leave their land behind. The Hallowed Halls grew around this simple shrine and became the bastion of hope for the people of Shade Hills that is now. The shrine still remains in the center of the building, housing the enchanted amethyst.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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