The Nightfall Cult

The devout followers of the Lady of the Moon, Althara. The Nightfall Cult operate exclusively in the moonlight to protect their people when their daylight companions, The Daybreak Order, is asleep.


The Nightfall Cult, unlike the Daybreak Order, has no direct line of command like priests and clerics, and they operate directly under Cornett, their current leader, though without much order. The cult itself is a lot smaller in manpower than other religious organizations across the world due to this, as it is harder to get into.


Members of the Nightfall Cult exclusively operate during the night, those who require more sleep to function often live and breathe their duties to an unhealthy degree, forfeiting their regular lives to protect the innocent during the night. Those that do not require sleep, or not as much sleep to function however simply do their regular duties during dusk and dawn, acting during the night.

Public Agenda

The Nightfall Cults only agenda is to protect the population during the night, they skulk through alleys and forests where undead and criminals may roam, acting as vigilantes for the population to ensure anyone is safe at any time. The cult specifically operates in areas around the borders of Sciadan to try and cull the undead presence, along with residing in areas with active crime.


The Nightfall Cult is well equipped, their rogues and other fighters sporting weapons made of runic steel for the case of lycanthropes and other werecreatures, while their druids, clerics and other magically inclined individuals are equipped with hallowood staves to help ward off the undead. Additionally, most members of the cult are equipped with scrolls written by the scribes of the cult or the leader, being able to channel spells of moonlight through the scrolls.


The Nightfall Cult formed well after the Daybreak Order did, though both were relatively early into Sciadan's conception. The original cult leader, Aluna Ciaran, formed the cult as a way to bring worship to her deity, Althara, and as a way to keep Sciadan safe at all times of day, as the power of the Daybreak Order wanes during night.

Divine Origins

The Nightfall Cult originated from those who pray to Althara for safer nights and good sleep through it. The religion itself though stems from the same one as Phezion, that all of humanity deserves to live peacefully under the moon and the sun. The large scale worship of the goddess as well is from the fact that none of the true gods actually speak to their followers, yet still grant their power to those who pray the "right way."

Tenets of Faith

"The vile who take advantage of the moonlight are not worthy of it."

"There should be no unsafe time for all."

"Strike down the fell creatures of the night, put them to rest under the moon."


The Moonlight Cult has a strict code of ethics to never, not even by accident, bring harm to an innocent soul. Due to this they undergo intense training to be able to fight even in the most crowded streets, as each of their strikes and spells is sure to hit a specific target. Alongside this, even against criminals and villains they rarely use lethal force unless the creature no longer has their soul with them, such as undead, specializing in taking down people non-lethally to see proper justice done to them, whatever it may be, though if the time arises they will not hesitate to utilize lethal force.


The main form of worship is doing everything under the light of the moon to the point even their regular lives are had under moonlight. They either live out in the woods in safe camps or house most of their stuff near windows as to always be under Althara's light.


The faithful are guided by the Elders within the cult, and while there is a set leader that leader usually appoints some as Elders, some of them simply rise through seniority, having been in the cult for some time and being the ones to bring new members in. They do not appear any different to any other cult member as every member must maintain some sense of secrecy.

Granted Divine Powers

Althara grants her devout cult a wide array of powers and spells, most being scribed into the scrolls her followers use but some particularly studious individuals may learn her spells outright. Her spells channel the purest power of the moon, being able to channel that power into their runic steel weapons or as pure energy itself, able to burn away most devils, fiends, werecreatures and spirits with ease. Alongside her moonlight burning away the creatures of the night she bestows her own Shade to her followers, allowing them to twist the necromantic energy to heal those in need.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Nightfall Cult rarely intervenes in Sciadan's politics though it does remain as a constant entity no matter who is in current political power. A reason to this is the current kings scribe, Cornett, has been appointed leader of the cult due to his undying nature, watching over both the king and the cult as his duties.

"Our people deserve safety in the moon, as they have in the sun."

Religious, Cult
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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