12 Arms of Kasha'Ad Organization in Old Canon | World Anvil

12 Arms of Kasha'Ad (Cash - A - Haad)

"UNN VALEN TOX! Kasha'Ad Do Not Fall! UNN VALEN TOX! Kasha'Ad Do Not Waiver! UNN VALEN TOX! Kasha'Ad Do Not Give In!"

Created by Khali Crawford


The 12 Arms are split into 3 Divisions, each one overseen by a Division Commander, and each Arm led by a Kasha'Ad Captain. The number of troops varied by era, but in general, each Arm contained roughly 15.000 troops with a Division having 60.000 Sentinels, totaling out in 180.000 Sentinels under House Skyburner control, 192.000 if you were to count the Sentinels in the secret D-4 Arm.  

Division One

  Also referred to as the First Watch, was made up of Arms 1, 2, 3, & 4 who were responsible for the general maintenance and protection of House Skyburner controlled worlds and locations. D-1 was the easier Division to enter with skill and Magic Profenciecy on par with most other Houses.

Division Two

  The middleman, D-2, comprised of Arms 5, 6, 7, & 8, was charged with guarding points of interest within House Skyburner. Unlike the Arms of D-1, D-2 Arms have routinely moved around and restationed as needed for different purposes. They are superior to D-1 and earned House Skyburner their ferocious name.

Division Three

  If D-1 serves to make planets "feel" safe with their presence and D-2 are moved around for defensive purposes, D-3, made up of Arms 9, 10, 11, & 12, are the offensive Division who are dispatched to directly engage the House's enemies, whoever they may be. Or if an ally were to request troop aid, D-3 would answer the call.

  • Division Four
D-4 is the secret 13th Arm of the 12 Arms and is the elite espionage and assassin Arm, dispatched to do the House's dirty work, actions the Skyburners would rather not have drug into the light. D-4's very existence is a closely guarded secret that not even Skyburners are allowed to know about if and/ or until they are appointed House Head. They have the greatest autonomy and some of the best training.  


The Kasha'Ad Sentinels are trained to be extremely honorable yet humble and kind, often described as having a close friend you can always call on when in peril. When they are ordered to occupy a world, the citizens usually see a boost of morale and business as the Kasha'Ad involve themselves in all aspects of their occupation. Part of this is how House Skyburner carries itself on a Universal scale as being 'above' all the ceremony and nonsense of the other Houses. They operate under the Kun'Dur Pok -- "Sacred Vow" and to break it is to be expelled from the Kasha'Ad forever.


  • Fort Nagatu
Located on Planet Gei Solsus, Fort Nagatu is a common training facility for the Kasha'Ad and is where Billy The Hero originally trained the Kasha'Ad in the ways of True Understanding of Magic. It is a massive facility that stretches for miles underground with barracks, training halls, Foundries, and everything a Kasha'Ad would need to go to war. On top of being a training ground, Gei Solsus is a full military base capable of supporting surrounding systems.

Demography and Population

The majority of the Kasha'Adian Sentinels are Krieian or have Krieian in their blood, this is because House Skyburner was founded on Planet Krie and many of the early Kasha'Adians were natives of this world. However, the Kasha'Ad do recruit Sentinels from any and all worlds that are fully under the control or leadership of House Skyburner. This is to ensure loyalty to a certain degree (100% loyalty is impossible) and allows them to court marshall Sentinels who break their Kun'Dur Pok.


The Kasha'Ad were named after Kasha'Ad Skyburner, Jett Skyburner's wife, who was named after one of the Mountain Gods of her homeward, Planet Krie. Kasha'Ad was a lesser fire goddess and had a devote following who named their prophet child after her, Kasha'Ad Skyburner. This, in combination with the fact that the Kasha'Ad were started on Krie, the Kasha'Ad worship the Mountain Gods, especially Kasha'Ad herself. This religion sees the Kasha'Ad praying to the fire goddess to test them in combat so that they may burn brighter and sear away the weakness of yesterday.


When joining the Kasha'Ad, Sentinels are sent to one of their training facilities on Skyburner Conotrlled worlds, usually Fort Nagatu on planet Gei Solsus. Here they will be trained and educated on the ways of the Kasha'Ad for a period of usually 5 - 6 Cycles before being evaluated and placed in either D-1, D-2, or D-3. From here they are assigned to an Arm within their Divison based on skillset and demand.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Unn Valen Tox! -- "Until Oblivion!"

Military Order
Alternative Names
12 Skyburner Armies | House Skyburner Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS