Ævardottir Osk

"You have fallen, Daughter of ÆVAR, from the graces of your God-King to the slums of the Mortals. Not even your mighty father could stand against the power of the Empire, what hope have you? A failure and disgrace to your Clan!"

Created by Khali Crawford

The Fallen Goddess of War

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Guardian Angel

When Osk was cast from the Heavens for defying the Godfather, the Angel Mydaiel was cast out as well. Angels are the caretakers and guardians of the Gods, and each Angel is 100% responsible for their respective God, so when Osk committed her crime, so did Mydaiel. As punishment, Mydaiel was transformed into a small white cat with emerald eyes. Mydaiel is capable of speech and still retains all of his Angelic prosperities yet cannot free himself of this form.   Mydaiel's primary function is to serve as a Guardian for Osk if and or when she gets in over her head. To this end, he has gifted two special gifts; 1) Mydaiel can teleport himself and one other person (usually Osk) to another relative location. Relative refers to a place that is reasonably nearby, he cannot teleport off of a planet but he can teleport around a planet. And 2) Mydaiel can temporarily lend Osk some of his Light to massively boost her own power. This would normally kill a Mortal but since Osk was born as a Goddess, her body can withstand it in short bursts.   Mydaiel is a sassy and lazy cat, usually sleeping or laying down, though he claims to be "conserving his immense and celestial energy". He puts on a show of a higher being who is above all this mess but has a weakness for delicious foods. It should be noted that Mydaiel was actually given the chance to redeem himself by the Archangels, and all he had to do was leave Osk to die, but he made a vow to Sigfig, Osk's mother, and he intends to keep it.

Godly Body

Osk used to be a Divine and although she forfeits her godhood, she still retains the base body features such as greatly increased durability, strength, agility, and stamina. However, she still shares a fatal weakness to a Black Arcane Blade which are used to slay Celestials. 

Specialized Equipment

Osk's weapon of choice is the Svantrii Bow, a bow she forged once she joined the Knights of the Iron Order. It is too long for most Mortals and has no string. Its arrows are formed by the user's own Magical Energy and Osk can form any type of arrow she can conjure, from exploding arrows to tracking arrows that lock onto an enemy's unique Magical Signature. If engaged in a close-range fight Osk makes use of a short sword, she usually keeps two on herself at all times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The New Gods are the Celestial beings who have a claim to the New Universe, they are mighty, but the greatest among them is their ar Council, led by Lord Ævar. He was more legend than God and all others aspired to be like him. Ævar had a wife, Sigfig, and from her came three sons and one daughter, but only the daughter lived past infancy, and this was taken as a bad omen the Godfather, king of the New Gods.   The girl would be named Osk and raised by her father to be a warrior similar to him. Osk excelled at everything she did and never received praise, yet when things went awry, as they often do, Osk was to blame. Her "bad omen" was spreading and the other Gods would have nothing to do with it. Despite this, Ævar and Sigfig urged Osk to disregard the other celestials, she was fine just the way she was.    This all reached a boiling point when her parents were engaged in a war with some of the Old Gods and the Future War Empire. A fierce battle took place and in the aftermath, Sigfig and Ævar had fallen, defeated. They were returned to the land of the Gods but were denied their rightful burials as their death was believed to had been punishment for bringing a curse like Osk into existence.    Osk abandoned her parent's teachings and set herself loose upon her fellow Celestials, but was quickly subdued. This only served to further prove their point, she was dangerous and would only bring chaos and mayhem. She was to be killed, but Osk escaped this fate by surrendering her Godhood, she would rather live and die among the Mortals than stand with these spineless cowards. Osk gave up most of her power and all of her Godly boons to walk among the mortals.


Osk was trained and educated by Skur, the God of Knowledge. Unlike most of the other Gods, Skur felt no shame or malice towards Osk and treated her as his own niece. he greatly appreciated teaching her and considered Osk to be his prized pupil. She, like Ævar, was a natural at fighting but also had her mother's wit and strategic mind. It was her mother, Sigfig, who taught her the secrets of Magic and how Gods made use of the Light to boost and amplify their own power to greater magnitudes.   However, once stripped of her power, Osk had to re-learn how to use Magic the Mortal way and was taught this by Elizalat Yinhaltz, the wife of King Mordred. She was a master of Magic and is the reason Osk is able to fight today.


After starting her self-imposed exile, Osk struggled to find her own footing in the world and soon came up against the Empire and a few of their Champions. Her anger got the best of her and she nearly escaped with her life, learning that the might of these Mortals is not to be played with. It was after this humbling defeat that Osk found the Knights of the Iron Banner and joined their ranks on their crusade against the Empire. She would be the first member to join Loholt Pendrgaon's guild, King's Gambit.

Mental Trauma

Osk was separated from most others when she grew up, they thought of her as a living curse, a titan, something to be feared and hunted, and this made Osk view all of creation as against her, a mindset she never fully grew out of. 

Personality Characteristics


Osk lives her life the way she wants because it is what her parents wanted for her, to not be held back by the fears and ideas of others. And now free from her godhood, she is free to carry out those desires. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Dark Blue
Short and wispy, golden Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream/ White
270 Lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Osk has the ability to speak in the tongue of the Celestials, as she used to be one. This is an incredibly rare skill as most Mortals will need to aquire an Omni Cypher to communicate with Gods & Angels.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS