Ⅵ. Grand Cross

Created by Khali Crawford


To become Sumum Regem, an Iron Knight must have obtained the rank of Ipsimus and display all the qualities of a leader. Outside of this, the methods of choosing a new Sumum Regem are extremely circumstantial as it is usually reserved for members of House Pendragon. However, should a Pendragon not yet be fit to lead, a new Sumum Regem will need to be picked and this process can be long, tedious, complex, and difficult to make out.


Ceremony of Kings & Queens

A new Sumum Regem must undergo this ceremony, CRQ before they can sit on the throne. It is an intensive mental gambit that seeks to pit the mind of the proposed Sumum Regem against the Sumum Regem of the past. The details of the gambit are kept a secret but the ceremony is so intense that those who attempt it are warned it may kill them should they fail to meet the Sumum Regem of the past on equal footing.


  • Responsible for directing the entire Iron Order


The All-Strength

Each and every Summum Regem from the past contributes to a great pool of power referred to as the All-Strength. This portion of power also contains their Echo, a fragment of their soul. This fragment is what the Summum Regem faces in the Ceremony of Kings & Queens, and if they pass then they are granted access to the All-Strength. A Summum Regem who does not also wield the All-Strength.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Nobility, Military
Form of Address
Iron Father/ Mother
Alternative Naming
High King, Supreme King
Equates to
  • Emperor
  • Commander-In-Chief
  • The Boss
Source of Authority
Divine Right to Rule
Length of Term
Until Death
Related Locations

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS