Familiar Binding Contract Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Familiar Binding Contract

"I Invoke Thee, Ancient Frog King GAMAKINCHI! Hear my Voice & Obey my Command!"

Created by K. A. Crawford
Magical beings who make a binding pact with mortals, Familiars are a core pillar of Majik and represent not only the maturity of the Master but their power and will to bend a Familiar to their own whims!


As beings from the 5th Dimension, the home of all Majik, Familiars possess some of the most powerful and dangerous reality-bending and dangerous abilities. Once engaged in a contract, the Master will gain the ability to Summon said Familiar in their time of need when in combat. Some Familiars only offer brute strength while others offer unique abilities and powers restricted to their current Master. It all depends on which Familiar you partner with.

Side/Secondary Effects

Summoning a Familiar consumes a large amount of Magical Energy and should be done tactically, as there is the cost of summoning the being and keeping it in our reality which can become physically and mentally taxing if not done correctly.


Familiars manifest as majikal beings with abnormal features and qualities, such as the great white serpent covered in eyes or the great burning bird which cannot be slain. Once the Familiar is invoked by its master, a Summoner's circle appears beneath their feet, and the Familiar is summoned, appearing before their Master in a flash of bright light. 


Familiars are creatures native to the 5th Dimension, the Dimension of Majik, and as such are beings of pure Magical Energy. In the 5th Dimension, many Familiars live in solitude in their own realms but many live on and fight for control of the Enchanted Forest, a particularly vast and plentiful realm that is home to some notable Familairs.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Gestures & Ritual

The Binding Contract

Familiars need permission to enter the 3rd Dimension, the Dimension of Mortals. To achieve this they make a Binding Contract with a being from the 3rd Dimension, in exchange for passage into the 3rd Plane, they enter into an agreement to aid their new Master whenever they are needed. Not all Familiars need or even want to enter the 3rd Dimension and some make a Contract exclusively to aid a particular Mortal they favor.    When you seek to make a Contract one only needs to cast the Spell of Familiar Familiars, a magical Grimoire which acts as a job posting in the 5th Dimension. Potential Familiars can answer your call but it's your choice whom you pick. Although, usually most normal Wizards are lucky is they even get 1 or 2 offers and take whatever they can get.   Once you have identified the Familiar, you sign your name in the Grimoire, entering into a contract with them until death, be sure to read the fine print as some Familiars may try to trick you into signing away your Soul! To summon your Familiar from wherever they may be in space & time, you hold both your index and middle finger close to your chess and chant 'I Invoke Thee, [Insert Familiar Name]! Hear my Voice & Obey my Command!'.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS