Nephilim Species in Old Canon | World Anvil

Nephilim (Nef-Il-Um)

Towering giants with skin harder than diamond and minds to match, the Nephilim are a proud and great people, one who fought for the right to decide their own destinies and will defend it with their dying breaths!"

Created by K. Crawford

Basic Information


Nephilim stand over most common men at a staggering 7 or sometimes even 8 feet. They sport four lumbering limbs, two arms, and two legs, each one with six phalanges connected to them. Muscular and lean, Nephilim appear to be cast from marbel itself.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nephilim reproduce sexually with a Male and Female, due to their engineered genetic structure, Nephilim cannot reproduce with members outside of their race successfully. This was a measure taken by Dr. Holiday to ensure the species gene pool remained pure and untainted by alien DNA which could have unpredictable effects on the power of a Nephilim. Additionally, only the best traits from each parent are passed onto the offspring, unlike in most species where the strongest or a random trait is passed on. Also, a result of Holiday's genetic tampering meant to enforce a 'survival of the fittest mentality among the people. Those with 'unfavorable' geentics will have their weakness bred out of the gene pool.

Ecology and Habitats

Nephilim are designed to be elite warriors from birth and can survive in any environment, from the arctic to extreme heat, they keep moving forward, unfazed by a change in temperature or the environment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Social structure of the Nephilim is one that values strength and protecting the weak and respects their elderly. Those of able bodies are expected to not only protect the weak but to nurture them so that they too may become warriors capable of passing on their knowledge and wealth. Similarly, the greatest offense a Nephilim can commit is to disrespect their elders, regardless of their strength or social standing. Nephilim have long life spans but are usually hunted down or die in battle, so the elderly are seen as the pinnacle of their species and as once behind mighty in their own right. To disrespect them is to disrespect the very soul of the Nephilim people.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
  • Uqos
  • Sa'me
  • Remrul
  • Kamia
Female Names
  • Gokyuraz
  • Shebodrus
  • Kusetzen
  • Temzuke

Nephilim usually tends to not have surnames or family names, wrapping up their entire being into one word or phrase which other species would equate to a 'name', but to them, it is much more than that, more like an idea or feeling.

Beauty Ideals

In the eyes of a Nephilim, an ideal partner is one who is adorned with

Gender Ideals

In typical Nephilim roles, Women are expected to take up the defensive role, whether it be in combat or the defense of a vital location, like planet Hawk, their Homeworld. This a strategic move, as not only are the children usually at these locations but so are sick and wounded warriors, so if the attacking force is ever defeated, the Nephilim species can still survive. Women who fill this role are known as Hearth-Keepers. Men are expected to be the Offensive type, remaining calm and vigilant until they are called upon by the Hearth-Keepers to pursue an enemy force or hunt down an enemy of their people. Because of this, most foes would be forgiven to think there are no female Nephilim, and if there are then they must be weaker. However, should they ever find themselves in a Nephilim outpost, they will soon rectify this mistake. Males in the attacking force are called "Outriders", named after the Starside Outriders, whom were pivotal in gaining the Nephilim their freedom.

Common Taboos

The Nephilim will never attack unless provoked first, they make it their policy to always seek peace. This is because they wish to live in peace without the attention of the entire Galaxy on them.


The Nephilim were developed by Dr. Lilith Holiday on Sokeng, the last remnant of the Sobek Empire. The Sobek species plans to emerge after Yibbthal and claim the new Universe to rebuild their vast kingdom. However, this is only possible if Mortals win the war, and thus the Nephilim were commissioned to ensure victory. Holiday was given free rein to do whatever she wanted and as a result, the Nephilim were made.   They were the fusion of Angel and Demon biology with superior Sobekian Technology. Holiday considered the Series I Nephilim to be failures and had them all killed, starting again with Series II which were superior in almost every aspect but still could not hold a candle to their source material. Holiday was at a brick wall until her work was uncovered by the Iron Lord, Balthazar O. Skyburner, who "generously" donated some of his DNA for study. Skyburner was instrumental in the Nephilim evolution pool, he had the Fairy Queen Eyes which was the key to his seemingly endless stamina, a gift Holiday gave to the Series III Nephilim, creating powerful beings who could rival Demons and Angels, beings who never ran low on stamina.

The Series III Nephilim were the life's work of Dr. Lilith Holiday, a grand army that promised to defeat both Nirvana and Yomi and allow the Sobek to retake their rightful place at the start of a new Universe. However, once King Loholt Y. Pendragon learned of this army, and he and his Primes journeyed to Sokeng to arrest Holiday and free the Nephilim, they would be allowed to chose their own path in life.

Historical Figures

  • First Son of the Damned, Shin'Dol
Shin'Dol was one of the Series II Nephilim and considered by Dr. Holiday to be the most successful, he was to travel with the Starfall Outriders to do battle with Angels and Demons to gather information on how the Series IIs fared against their source material. Not only did he defy this order he joined the Outriders in returning to Holiday to free his siblings and save the Series IIIs. He is highly respected and loved within the Nephilim society.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Est. of 550 Cycles
Average Height
7'9" for Males and 7'7" for females
Average Weight
300 + Lbs.
Average Length
Five Meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Nephilim can come in one of three base colors, green, Red, or Blue, with slight variations such as light and dark existing. A true enigma is the spotted Nephilim, ones who may be one base tint but have their bodies scattered with marks of another. This is a rare genetic hiccup, one that Dr. Holiday sought to remove from the finished products as she thought they were unpleasant to look at. 
Discovered by

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: