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Alagonid Empire

The Alagonid Empire, also called the First Northmannish Empire or the Realms of Alagondar, was a Northmannish empire centred in Icewind Dale and the Northlands, founded by Alagondar the Great. While its historical and cultural capital was Easthaven, it was ruled from its administrative capital in Alagondria for most of its history. At its height, the Empire stretched from Icewind Dale deep into the Heartlands to the south and as far east as the Sea of Violets.


Alagondar the Great was born to the son of the ducal family of Easthaven circa 670 MA. His early life is largely unknown, with Northmannish claims of his early ability at statesmanship and martial affairs likely outstripping his actual abilities. Nevertheless, Alagondar's boastfulness and bravado is a trait on which both critics and advocates agree. He was educated at Taldromos Monastery, and is said to have become chancellor to the King of Icewind at the age of 16.

Alagondar's Conquests

Alagondar's conquests rapidly moved south of the Worldspine, first targeting Norvissen, which was renamed Alagondria and became the administrative capital of a large new empire. Fortifications across the region were poorly adapted to Alagondar's organized military use of White Dragons, with even the most well-defended strongholds typically capable of withstanding only a single dragon. Other realms were unable to effectively resist a cohort of dragon riders, combined with an army that recruited and refreshed itself from conquered populations, instrumentalizing Alagondar's legendary status as a Northmannish lord able to tame dragons. Alagondar lived significantly longer than other humans. His conquests continued until his disappearance around 900 MA, with the Empire's possessions stretching south to Tsonkaveïm and east, across most the Reachlands.

The gem in the crown of the Mannish Age in Elleswere, the Alagonids forged an Empire whose wings spread the breadth of the continent. While some have contested that the Empire is as much draconic as mannish, this was only true for its early history. There is little question among the learned that this project, cut short by elfish wars, was a the epitome of mannish drive.
The Empire of the White Dragon: The Rise and Fall of the Alagonids

The Alagonid dynasty remained the dominant political force on the continent for the next 800 years, attempting to centralize control an empire cobbled together by Alagondar's rapid expansion. While the Alagonid emperors continued to expand the empire, the process slowed significantly—particularly after the dynasty's white dragons abandoned their erstwhile masters.

By the end of the 16th century MA, growing clashes with the elfish realms to the south and internal conflict began to eat away at Alagondria's ability to exert control over its realms. With the rise of a rising Naldi empire to the south and the ensuing War of Sun and Dragon, the Alagonid empire was finally conquered by the Nalemonic Empire in 113 NE.

Emperor of All Northmen
Preceded by
Kingdom of Icewind
Succeeded by
Nalemonic Empire
Vast, stretching from Icewind Dale in the Northlands to the edge of the Sunlands in the south, with additional territories across the Reachlands and in the eastern Coastlands
~22 000 000
Feylord Worship; Cultus Draconis


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