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The town of tourmalines.

Termalaine is the fourth-largest and second northernmost community in Ten-Towns, situated on the eastern shore of Maer Dualdon at the southern edge of the Lonelywoods. Termalaine is renown for its scenic environs and the mineral wealth of its gem mines to the east. During the Alagonid period, Termalaine was often called the "gem of Icewind Dale." Prior to the Nalemonic conquest, Termalaine's lord was traditionally highly influential among the Alagonid and Kingdom courts. Termalaine is well known for the harsh cold wind coming off of Maer Dualdon.

Politics and Economy

A Guild Town

The government of Termalaine is an elected speakership by the community who collaborates with the town militia and community leaders to make decisions. While town assemblies are periodically called, the Speaker is elected for life and has few normative limits on their powers. In practice, the driving limit on the Speaker's term and powers is whether they can keep the confidence of the Mining Guild and the gem miners of the town.

Termalaine's mineral wealth and resulting frequent raids have made defence a priority for the community. The town maintains a relatively well-trained militia, with a small number prepared on short notice to be called upon to ensure the town is able to quickly respond to raids targeting the mines or the township itself.

The dominant factions in Termalaine are the Mining Guild and the militia. The Mining Guild is well-organized and wealthy from the consistent southern demand for the high-quality tourmaline exports from Ten-Towns. The Guild's head Braceman has an outsize influence with the Speaker. Similarly, the militia is highly influential, both in an advisory capacity with the guild, and through its direct and typically close relationship with the Speaker.

Termalaine, oh Tourmaline

Termalaine's economy is driven by the gem mines east of town, particularly the high quality tourmalines from which the community takes its name. Gemstones and silver from Termalaine have historically been Ten-Towns' second largest export after knucklehead ivory and scrimshaw products. Termalaine's gemstones have also made its population relatively wealthier than the rest of the Ten Towns. Since the Everlasting Rime, of course, the value of its mines have dropped substantially.

"Termalaine, oh tourmaline, I pray the gods not intervene
your voice to me return again, when we rejoin at Termalaine."
— An Alagonid-era folk poem from Icewind Dale

The only competitor to Termalaine in precious minerals is the Silverpine dwarfish community in Kelvin's Cairn. The dwarfish valley at the foot of the great mountian is a major producer, but fortunately for Termalaine, is reticent to trade much of its wealth.

Termalaine also has a relatively robust fishing fleet—the second largest on Maer Dualdon. While not near the size of Targos or Easthaven, the scrimshaw trade in Easthaven is consequently fairly robust. This has resulted in a deep fishing rivalry with Targos.


Termalaine was established as a small fishing community following the northmannish migration north of the Worldspine Mountains. Its proximity to Kelvin's Cairn eventually led to its development into a mining town after the discovery of the gemstone mines in the nearby foothills.

The local ruler of Termalaine proclaimed themselves Dukes prior to the establishment of the Kingdom of Icewind and remained influential up to the collapse of the Alagonid Empire. The Dukes of Termalaine focused their efforts on expanding production, selling it to the Alagonid courts in Easthaven and Alagondria. Termalaine's mineral wealth made it a frequent target of raids by goblins, orcs, Reghed tribes and others. Nevertheless, imperial protection limited the impact.

With the arrival of the Nalemonic Empire, Termalaine began to focus on exporting its treasures south. This has been a successful strategy, but its remoteness from the imperial core, like the rest of Icewind Dale, has meant imperial protections have loosened and made the community more reliant on its militia. The Mining Guild formed around 200 NE in significant part to begin funding the defence of the town.

General Information
Small town
Maer Dualdon, Icewind Dale
Speaker of Termalaine
2nd century MA
Feylord Worship
Cult of Auril
Nalemonic Pantheon
Silverpine dwarfs


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