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Emberwood Lumber


Material Characteristics

Emberwood has a dark red/orange hue to it when cut, the color fades slightly as the wood dries out. The wood is well known for being warm to the touch, no matter how cold the environment is. In Rodina wealthy nobles would often have the floor of their bedroom be made from Emberwood.    The Trees themselves are very slow growing, a tree reaches seeding age at about 200 years. Emberwood trees grow better when around other Emberwood trees, but a lone tree will still eventually reach seeing maturity.    The bark is soft and easily ripped off, but the sap can reach temperatures of molten iron when recently cut. The leaves are hard and durable, growing vibrant orange, and turning green as the leaf grows outward. The trees themselves are very durable and most bear scars from their past with pride.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Emberwood sap is incredibly hot when it first leaves the tree itself, reaching temperatures comparable to liquid iron. As the blood colored sap cools and hardens it gives off steam before turning incredibly hard. Lumberjacks have been known to have axes become useless because they couldn't get the sap off in time.    Emberwood lumber is hard to cut and requires replacement saws constantly due to the heat and hardy nature of the wood. When cut and dried properly planks can resonate heat at around 70F hundreds of years after it's been cut.

Geology & Geography

Emberwood trees grew naturally in Rodina but most had been cut down by the time of the Long Dark. Emberwood was one of the few tree breeds that seemed to bounce right back once the sun returned. There are a few juvenile trees that have been planted in Orisia. One is growing in Hopeshelm and managed to survive being wounded by the Dead Sun Empire's assault on the town. In recent months it seems to have bounced back well.    Another Emberwood is in Kristov's Rest. Most of the larger trees in the area had been cut down by the Alister Timber Company, but the tree seems to be doing healthy enough.    There are currently three Emberwood trees in Greenbound Grove as well making the grand total of five known trees on the continent.

History & Usage


Emberwood has always been a rare tree. They grow in small families that never really seem to have enough time to grow on their own without being mostly or completely cut down. The tree's long growth period and the civilized world's demand for lumber seems to be two factors working against them. The wood from the trees is considered very high quality and usually quite expensive.

Everyday use

Emberwood is often used as flooring to keep feet worm during the winter. It's also used for furniture and décor.


Emberwood is a difficult wood to chop down and cut. The trees have really weak bark that is easy to pernitrate, but cutting into the tree will quickly heat up your axe. The sap from the tree gets incredibly hot and the trees have been known to expel massive amounts of steam on their first few chops. Once a tree is felled it's important to begin sawing quickly before the sap hardens and makes the tree unusable. Entire lumber camps have been formed around felling and cutting a single Emberwood tree.     During the cutting process saws have to be replaced often due to the heat from the tree warping the blades and even melting them on occasion. Without the proper tools and experience, woodsmen will have a very difficult time dealing with the tree.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

There are stories of people using the sap to weld pieces of broken metal back together due to the intense heat, but there is little evidence that this is true.


Emberwood trees are a massive danger to chop down and cut. The trees blast out massive amounts of superheated steam with the first few chops. The sap the trees spit out is as hot as molten iron, and has been known to start forest fires. Once the sap hardens it's harder than stone and nearly impossible to break.


Law & Regulation

Currently all five known Emberwood trees in Brennis are protected by the Queen. Attempting to cut or harm the trees will result in severe punishment.
Dry Wood and Ash
Dark Red/Orange
Related Locations
Related Species

Cover image: Redwood Forest by Gilbert Munger 1885


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