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Though the continent previous had people on it, Orisia wasn't officially discovered until (AGE when people landed on here) by Rodina refugees who landed here. The first recorded ship fleeing the Colussus landed with nearly 60 people on it. A former Kyrosian scout by the name Orisas was the first to set foot on the beaches of Orisia, now what is the location of (BLANK). After spending a few moments scouting the edge of the local forest and the shoreline, she decided it was safe enough for the vessel to pull up to shore. The people, thrilled by the discovery of new land, named the area after Orisas.   When other boats began to land on the shores of the new world and made contact with one another, stories of the first ship to arrive, and the first woman to step her foot on the new land.     After the settlement of (Whatever captain le chances place was called) was discovered to have been here since the silence of Reus, the long-time survivors had claimed to have never bothered with a name for the new world, and embraced the name Orisia the same as others.   Once the kingdom of Brennis was formed, and the statehood shortly after, the naming of the Continent was made a law by King Brennis. Shortly after the Statehood had a vote as well on the name to see if they agreed with Brennis' passed law. The vote was passed 10 to 3, with Torrid, Vostwik, and Storn all voting no.     Since (the day the Statehood passed the vote) nearly all of Orisia has agreed to the naming.   Orisas stayed in Brennis and served King Brennis as his scout captain. She died from illness in (7 years after landing). There is a fort in Brennis built in her resting place that is named after her as well to honor her services to the new world.


Though only the western coast of Orisia has been explored so far, the areas mapped out are usually temperate. The explored regions so far show mostly woodlands and valleys, with rolling hills and mountain ranges to the east. The massive mountain walls are extremely difficult to traverse, walking through the (name it later) Valley is the only advised means of exploring the empty. Vast plains can be found in the far north and southern coastlines and a few different swamps exist in the center region. Most of the coastline is high cliffs, though there are sandy beaches, many of which were where the first settlers landed.

Fauna & Flora

The local Fauna ranges from deer, rabbits, wolves, bears, foxes, hawks and other predatory birds, small rodents. The coastlines are rich with fish as well as crustaceans and sea birds. Insect populations are basic with bees, ants, and common under-stone species. More aggressive and disease spreading insect breeds such as mosquitos, ticks, and leeches are often found in the swamps. Alligators, turtles, boars, and rats can be found in the swamps as well. There are wild cows in the mountainous regions, as well as goats, bats, and white rabbits. Rumor has it that there are wild horses past the mountain ranges, but this has yet to be proven.

Natural Resources

So far Orisia has proven to be a continually useful location when it comes to resources. The massive forests are thick with trees and need to be trimmed. The mountain ranges have proved to have iron, copper, tin, and silver, though more is assumed to be buried deeper. Plantlife is slowly being tested and categorized, though already massive strides have been made with medicinal and practical applications. The area is rich with game for both food and pelts. The soil is not fantastic for sowing most seeds from Rodina, though some patches are better than others, this is something that can be corrected with time and better agricultural practices.


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