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Physical Description

Body Features

Her skin was pale no matter how long she stayed in the sun. Small faded grey markings would move on her body from time to time.

Facial Features

Deep dark grey eyes that would turn black when she used her magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lilith was a single child, born in Orisia before it had received it's name, in Port Lunis. Her mother died shortly after child birth and her father did the bare minimum to keep her alive.   When she was older and decided she couldn't take any more of her father's abuse, she stabbed him in the neck with a fork, and ran out into the woods alone. She knew she couldn't go back home and went eastward for a number of days without food or shelter. On the verge of her death she was visited by a being who had seen her pain and wished to help her. Lilith embraced this mysterious motherly figure and became a Shadow Sister.   In the years that followed she and her sisters worshiped their goddess in secret in a small temple they constructed on the Northern Coast of Brennis. They did dances and rituals for their goddess and in turn she protected them and helped them find peace from their trauma and abuse.   One day the temple was broken into by the foul Vampire Drakar. The Shadow-Mother could not stop him, but instead sacrificed herself to protect them and gave each of the sisters a fragment of her divinity. It was not enough however as he cut them down one by one. Lilith was the only one to manage to escape and fled while Drakar continued to kill the others and desecrate the temple. By the time the local guards had figured out something had happened the temple was well destroyed.   Lilith lived on her own for a while, often contemplating suicide over the guilt she faced being the only survivor. Eventually it became too much. She was ready to jump off a waterfall near Greenbound Grove  before hearing a voice. She turned around and saw Brynri who had been gathering water for her group. Brynri, confused why a random woman was so close to the edge of the fall, asked if she was alright. Lilith fell to her knees and started to sob right there and then. Brynri ran over to her and hugged her. Brynri brought her back to her camp where Walter and other members of the Sanguine Seven were resting. Brynri explained the circumstances of how she had found Lilith and before Lilith could say anything Walter was quick to offer her a place in the group.   Lilith traveled with the Sanguine Seven for almost a whole year before saying a word, finally starting to open up. By this time a few members has switched in and out, including Jack who was now a member as well.   As the Years passed Lilith started to open up more and more. While she was never the talkative one of the group, she was open to her friends, when she was in the mood for it. She never talked about her past with them, but between her emotional state, and her strange dark magic, everyone assumed she had been through a lot. They were just happy to have her around and did what they could for her.   In 56 4e Lilith's existence was discovered by Drakar who had haunting her dreams for years without fully knowing who she was. It was only after the discovery of her that Drakar destroyed the city of Unity with an ancient mega weapon.     Lilith, Erebus, Jack and Cass all managed to survive the attack and fled to Hopeshelm to warn the King of what had happened and who had caused it.


Was a member of the Sanguine Seven between ###-####

Mental Trauma

Lilith had suffered at the hands of her father at a young age. When she ran away from home and became a Sister of Shadow she finally felt at peace with her other sisters.
  As the sole survivor of the attack of Ever-night she never felt safe again. She always felt regret being the only survivor, and felt fear carrying the last fragment of her fallen goddess. Even when she joined the Sanguine Seven, while she was among good friends, she never truly felt safe and worried about putting them all at risk as well.

Personality Characteristics


Lilith found little reason to go on, but once she felt somewhat safe with the Sanguine Seven, she felt as if she had at least somewhat of a family. After that she wanted to project them the best she could from the dangers of the world. She knew, if HE ever found out where she was, that HE would kill them all to get to her. Because of this, she was always ready to leave the group immediately if she felt HE was going to find her.

Personality Quirks

Lilith hardly spoke at all, and she never spoke to new people. Subtle nods and shakes was the most people could get out of her most days.

Lilith is the quiet one of the group. Oftentimes she will either be meditating or reading. She is friendly when spoken to but always seems a bit distracted as well. She doesn't like to talk about her past much, but she does say she feels better at night. Her skin is pale gray and she always wears a large cowl. Her arms are covered in blueish grey markings that seem to shift slightly each day. Her short hair is as black as the night sky and her voice is soft and relaxing. Despite not training at the Flynn Academy, she is able to use magic when she needs to, oftentimes going quiet after doing so. Aside from combat situations, she works as the group's mystic and helps with any matters involving magic.

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Date of Death
17/3/57 4e
Black Eyes
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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