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Brynri was a Dwarven member of The Sanguine Seven.       She has spent 19 of her current years in the group.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Brynri shaves her face constantly, but gets a terrible rash if she shaves her sideburns, thus she keeps them on most of the time. She sometimes wears metal bands or ribbons in them.

Apparel & Accessories

Brynri is very strong for her size, and lugs around a lot of equipment and armor most places she goes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brynri was born in Vordin's Landing to a large dwarven family. She grew up hearing her family members argue politics about The Forged Legion. She hated hearing about how great dwarves were once and seeing how they all acted now. After the fall of the Statehood she went north to Hopeshelm and worked as a tavern maid for 3 years barely making enough to survive.   Sometime later she met Walter and joined his group of adventurers. She helped convince Lilith to join the group as well.   During her time in the group she functioned as the cook, and seamstress, but was also not afraid to pick up a hatchet if the occasion called for it. She also functioned as the group's moral aid. If anyone was feeling blue or under the weather she would come to their aid to try to help them out.   Oftentimes her tasks were to help people better store and prepare the foods they had collected during harvest season.   She, along with the other members of the Sanguine Seven, worked to help liberate the Kingdom of Brennis from the Dead Sun Empire. She fought during the battle of Blood Water.   After the Dead Sun Crisis she, Walter, and Magpie worked in the ruins of Hopeshelm to aid those who needed it and help reestablish the government and crown Queen Victoria Brennis.   Brynri became the leader of the Sanguine Seven after Walter had decided to permanently work on improving the The Iron Guard. She travels around now looking to help people and find new members to join the group. She has also attempted to rebuild her relationship with her family.


Brynri has dated both men and women, but prefers women.


Spent three years as a maid in the Dragon Hall Inn.   Spent 19 years so far working in The Sanguine Seven

Morality & Philosophy

Despite being a dwarf Brynri hates dwarven culture. To her it's just a bunch of angry bearded men yelling at each other over things that happened 300 years ago.


Family Ties

Brynri doesn't keep in contact with her family, and they have never attempted to reach out to her, which is just fine for her. She considers the long time members of The Sanguine Seven to be her real family.

Hobbies & Pets

Brynri on occasion will sing soft songs while cutting carrots or peeling potatoes.

Brynri lacks the normal thick accent you find with dwarves being a dwarf born in Hope's Helm. Despite her size, Brynri acts like she's as tall and commanding as everyone else in the group. She has grain blonde hair and her light skin is freckled all over. She has soft sideburns that she says she only keeps because she gets a rash shaving them off. On occasion, you may notice a few fine hairs on her chin that she quickly plucks out. Despite being a dwarf Brynri is far too young to have ever spent time in the forged legion, or underground for that matter. Ironically she isn't a big fan of caves or tunnels. She is a strong and competent fighter but also serves as the camp's cook. She's always on the lookout for new spices and ingredients.

Current Location
Kingdom of Brennis
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Current Location
Date of Birth
17/1/8 4e
Vordin's Landing
Light Blue
Long and Golden
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Kyric Forge Speech


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