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Orisa (Ori-sa)

Orisa was a Kyrosian woman who was one of the first people to arrive in the New World. As the boat got closer to shore she jumped off and scouted out the shoreline before swimming back and bringing the boat ashore. She later served as a scout for her community and helped connect many different northern landing parties together on shore. She and her shipmates are believed to be the only Kyrosian people to have landed in the new world. The fate of the rest of them are unknown.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Orisas hunted with throwing spears. She never went anywhere without a spear in hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orisa was born to a rather large Kyrosian family. She was the third of five girls, raised in Kyrosco by an artist mother and a royal guard father. She along with her other sisters were planned to be married off to soldiers and nobles as they grew to age, but the Earth-Shatter War started when she was 14 and things quickly dwindled around her. During the Long Dark most of her family died off from illness or starvation. Orisa had no choice but to help her father hunt and search for food. She quickly learned from him and before long was a talented hunter. When the Long Dark finally ended her only remaining family was a younger sister and her father who was ill.   Orisa and her sister Amaca took care of their father while trying to also aid the rebuilding of Kyrosco. She continued to work as a hunter bringing in game and hides from her trips while Amaca stayed home and watched over their father. Years later and their father's condition slowly worsened and word of the Colossus in the south worried people.   As time passed more and more people from across the nation flocked to Kyrosco, some warning people of what they had seen down in the south. Eventually everyone saw the destructive power of the colossus in the distance and knew that no one could stop them. Their only choice was to go to the sea and pray Reus would spare them. There was a movement of people crafting and repairing ships while others gathered supplies ready to leave. Orisa and Amaca knew their father couldn't make the journy but didn't want to leave him to the colossus. Orisa grabbed her father's spear and stabbed him in the head killing him instantly. She left her home, running into Amaca in the streets. She had told her younger sister that their father had died and they needed to go.   Because of who their father was they were able to board one of the twelve ships that left Kyrosco. Finally aboard a ship and feeling safe, Orisa broke down thinking of her father. The sisters cried together, though she never told Amaca of what she had done. Four days into the journey the ship Orisa and Amaca were on hit a current that the rest of the ships did not and it was forced upwards. Despite everyone aboard trying to shift the boat back to the rest of the group, it was useless. Orisa secretly thought that Reus was punishing them for her act, but keep her feelings to herself. As the weeks passed Orisa grew to hate herself more and more. The guilt of her father's death was a massive burden to her and she struggled to think straight.   Nearly ten weeks later Orisa noticed a bird overhead in the early morning and looked to the front of the ship and saw land. She stood up and screamed out loud waking up everyone. They all looked and cheered finally seeing something other than open ocean for the first time in months. The people aboard the ship quickly manned their paddles and began to row towards the landmass. As they got closer Orisa volunteered to swim to shore and look to see if things were safe along the coastline. The captain of the vessel agreed and she drove off the front of the ship while the rest waited. She was a good swimmer all her life and despite the water being freezing, it seemed to awake her out of her depressive stupor.   When she arrived on the beach she stripped off her wet clothing and walked up into land. Right off the shoreline was a massive forest that seemed to go on and on, but she marveled at the beauty of it. Spring had just started and all sorts of new plants she didn't recognize were just starting to grow. She climbed a massive tree and lookout outward to land in all directions. She didn't see any signs of people, or danger and so returned to shore nearly two hours later and waved to everyone. She dove back into the water and swam to the ship once again. After being pulled up she had told everyone that the land seemed to be safe. Everyone paddled towards shore and grounded the ship.   The next few hours everyone set up camp at the edge of the woods. Everyone thanked and praises Orisa as they passed her in the camp. Orisa smiled and for the first time in a long time felt good. She continued to serve the camp daily hunting the game of the new world.   Eventually Orisa would find more and more landing parties of people from Acaron and Berava news spread of the woman who had discovered the new world for the first landing party and that she was the first person the new arrivals had seen. Orisa was quickly considered the hero of the new world and people started to call it Orisia after her. She continued to work hard connecting new communities and scouting out land, giving crude maps to people all up and down the northern coastline of Orisia.   Eventually she had gone missing for a few weeks before being found in a cavern near what would later be Hopeshelm. She had fallen in and broken her leg and died just hours before she had been found from an infection. The people who rescued her brought her to the nearest camp where she was buried. Amaca found out nearly two months after her sister had gone missing and moved up to what was now Hopeshelm to ensure her sister was not forgotten.   Over 50 years after her death, Queen Victoria Brennis commissioned a stone statue of her in her honor which resides in Hopeshelm atop her grave.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Discovered Orisia
  • Connected landing parties to one another aiding in survival for all groups

Personality Characteristics


The guilt of mercy killing her father weighed heavy on her. It was only after diving off the boat that first time that she felt better. She continued to try to aid people to give them the help she couldn't give her father. She also led the way in dangerous situations so that others wouldn't have to risk their own lives.


Religious Views

She, like the rest of her family, followed the word of Reus. Even up to her death every night prayed for her sister to be safe and healthy.
True Neutral
Circumstances of Death
Died from an infection after falling and breaking her leg
Dark Brown
Wavy, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Character Portrait image: by Hero Forge


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