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The Wildfire Eye

The Wildfire Eye was a magical crystalline orb crafted by the Worm Cabal and the Dread Tyrant in 771 1e.   It was used in combination with the Wildfire Curse to turn dragons into feral beasts that could only be controlled by the wielder of the Wildfire Eye.   After the defeat of the Worm Cabal and the Dread Tyrant the Wildfire Eye was under the possession of the Durangal Empire who were eventually able to use it to somewhat control where dragons went, but neve to the same degree as the Dread Tyrant.   The Wildfire Eye was in Orisia when Reus attacked and was buried in the ruins of an old outpost.   The ruins where the Wildfire Eye had been held was uncovered by Erebus Brennis and Jack sometime during the fourth era and was destroyed when the ruins were destroyed by the sentient overseer crystal, Holov.   While the curse had faded greatly, the Wildfire Eye could have been reactivated by someone and restarted the curse to it's full potency. With the destruction of the eye, dragons were finally freed from their millennia long curse.

Manufacturing process

Although the exact means of production is unknown, it is said that a mass sacrifice of a city full of people and a connection to the Zol Sil via a dragon's heart was used in the creation of both the curse placed upon dragons, and the creation of the artifact itself.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization
Related Condition
35 Ibs


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