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Marshall Walter

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Walter was born in Hopeshelm shortly after it's founding. He was one of 3 children, the only one to survive into adulthood. Walter joined the local guard force at 16 and made his way to captain. He eventually was offered a position in  and moved down there. He met his wife, had two children, and lived happily for many years.   Expecting his third child, Walter bought a plot of land a few hours east of town. He worked over a year on a small homestead for his family and just 5 weeks after his third child was born, a rockslide from the ambit destroyed his home killing all his family and burying him alive. He was rescued 2 days later and devastated at the loss of his family.   Walter wondered for a few years before meeting a halfling named Magpie in a tavern in Stoneshield he frequented. After beating up the drunkards attacking Magpie, the two became quick friends. Walter found himself feeling good for helping Magpie in the first time for a long time. Magpie told him he had been out of work for a while and was looking to get out of stoneshield and offered to bring him along. Walter agreed and left the tavern he had frequented for almost 2 years straight.   As time passed the group they walked with grew. He met a Dwarf named Brynri in New Haven, a tiefling bard named Cassandra in Lunis Bay, an elven man named Astor in Grimhelm, a priest named Tomar, and a mercenary named Talla. The main group traveled along together going from place to place helping people with both mundane and dangerous tasks. They earned fame for their good nature and were eventually known as the Sanguine Seven.   Eventually Cassandra and Walter had a brief relationship before things turned sour. Cassandra argued that the group needed a leader and that Walter should take up the mantle, while Walter argued that the group was just that, a group, and that all decisions needed to be made together. Eventually Cassandra had had enough and left the group to travel on her own.   The group would change a few members over time. Astor found love in a small farming town and retired from the group to start a family. Tomar was stabbed and killed by a drunken patron during a celebration of the group in Grimhelm, Talla found she could make far more money on her own and left the group.   A strange quiet girl named Lilith joined the group after Brynri found her planning to kill herself. She was silent for nearly a year traveling with them before she spoke. It was only then when they found out her name.   One night while camping Walter and Magpie found their stash of food being broken into in the cart and found a young halfling boy head first into a barrel of apples. They asked who the boy was and where his parents were, but got little answers from him, after searching the local area for a few days, they eventually adopted him into their group, and learned his name was Jack-Rabbit, though he preferred Jack.   After their wagon broke down just east of the ambit heading to Solis they were met by two men. An elven man named #### and a Goliath man named ####. After helping them fix the wagon and working together to find a missing girl, they agreed to join the group. This would be the longest Dynamic of the group which lasted about 3 solid years.


Worked as a guard in Hope's Helm for 9 years.   Works as a guard in River Rest for 5 Years.   Worked as a member of the Sanguine Seven for 9 Years.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Made Guard Sergeant in Hope's Helm   Made Gaurd Captain in River Rest   Helped Found the Sanguine Seven

Mental Trauma

After losing his family, Walter wandered and drank constantly for about 3 years. He drowned his sorrow in booze and slept in dirt. Even after getting his life back together, his family's death was always a very touchy subject. He was very protective of the members of his group, and always felt a terrible loss losing any of them.

Morality & Philosophy

Walter believed that family was not who you were born with, but who you stayed with.    Coin never mattered to Walter, only that it would be used to provide him with tools to help more people. Often he didn't take any money from completed jobs.

Personality Characteristics


Once he found he felt good after helping people, it was all he ever wanted to do. He traveled with his group not only to help those they met along the way, but to help those who had joined their group.

Walter is the leader of the group. He was a sellsword who met Magpie at an early age in both their lives. Faced with either killing one another or working together to get out of the cavern, they teamed up, fought against deep centipedes, and found their friendship hobbling back to town together. He is a strong leader who wants to help everyone he can. He no longer cares about making money for himself and rather sees it as a tool to help others. He cares deeply for the other members of the group and sees them as his family.

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Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Marshall of Brennis
Date of Birth
27/5/10 4e
Current Residence
Dark Brown
Brown and Gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Kyric   A handful of Goliath Words


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