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Kyndi Emickir

Famous Gwargiwan Underworld Explorer in the 5th Metza, Kyndi mainly explored the Kyndi-Aukal Highlands surrounding the Gorrowanna Tunnel named for herself and her husband Aukal Emickir who accompanied her. Her family, The Emickir were once a powerful house of nobles in The Empire of Faeriel, and she grew up in Azeyzela under the 2nd Empire of Faeriel where they fled after the revolution. A scholarly type, she read the work's of Tykyrra and at the age of 22 she left her family to visit her ancestral homeland and see the progress of their revolution, despite their warnings.  At this time, The Gwargiwans were launching a research program to accelerate their technological development in their efforts to outpace the Faerielites, by inviting aristocrats and nobles to abandon their decadent and oppressive lives and join The University of Gwargiwa. It was actually quite a tempting offer, as The Gwargiwan University was located in Gorrowanna, the Golden City that was built long before recorded history, a location of astounding value to science. The downside of course was that you could not leave Gwargiwa afterwards. It was in Gorrowanna that Kyndi found her husband Aukal Janikr. Kyndi proved to be a studious scientist and the breakthrough that made her career would come as she led an expedition deep into the Gorrowanna Catacombs and found the entrance to the Underworld.    This astounding revelation was quickly suppressed by her supervising board of scientists. This was also where her career ended, at least as far as the overworld was concerned. A special secret division was immediately created to manage the exploration and potential exploitation of this strange new world. Kyndi, as well as her expedition were the very first to join the massive list of dissapearances that began around this time. She was allowed to bring her husband and his family down with her, as they were now never to set foot on the surface again. While this did dishearten Kyndi, she was fascinated by this new upside-down world. Obviously, she never became famous anywhere within her lifetime except in the Underworld, and her family must have presumed she was executed in an act of revolutionary justice. But since the historic declassification of Underworld research in 540:5 over 90 years after Kyndi's death, she became a legendary figure in science.

Mental characteristics


Kyndi is bisexual, she has a husband.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
4375 AF 4446 AF 71 years old

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