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Mantaritaray Empire

The Mantaritaray Empire was founded in 925:1E upon the unification of The Kanesct Peninsula. It would soon expand to encompass Ankesct to the south and Certilesct to the East. Named after it's first Emperor, Mantaritaray Koritine, It became the pinnacle of technology, culture and wealth of the classical period until the rise of the Kazetani Serran Alliance and the encroaching invaders from Azeyzela and The Orange Sea. It maintained a high degree of centralisation for a great deal of it's history, with an impressive system of roads that allowed for resources, warriors and labour to move great distances rapidly. The mantarit had a distinctly patriachal culture, a complete inversion of most cultures that existed from the First Metza onwards.


The Kanesct Peninsula, ruled by a dozen or so tribes that had occupied the region for at least 1000 years before the classical era. Mantaritaray ruled the tribe in what is known today as Mantaritaraytl, what would become the capital of The Mantarit Empire until The Great Schism. He lead a campaign to unite the tribes and establish the first empire. Under his rule, semi-democratic institutions existed such as the Tzamaray system, but ultimately they were very primitive and exclusive to citizens, who made up less than half the population. With a highly centralised state, Mantaritaray erased the tribal boundaries and created a common identity for the Kanescti tribes, his rule ended in 904:1E.   He was the first to be placed within a Mantarit mausoleum, a tradition that would continue for long into the future.


The Mantarit Empire had been slowly falling apart for a hundred years before it's total collapse in 30:1. As large scale invasions came from both The Serrans and The Azeyzelans, as well as the increasing power of local rulers such as governors and insurgent ethnic groups conquered by them hundreds of years before, central authority became meaningless. 30:1 is considered the official date of the empire's collapse as it was the year that the Emperor Ozandaray was killed by Radical Schism assassins.


Mantarit Warriors had a fearsome reputation even for most of the stagnation period.

Divine Origins

The Mantaritaray pantheon is the culmination of many folkloric traditions, some of which are native to Kanesct and some of which they picked up along their conquests.

Cosmological Views

The pantheon is composed of innumerable evil gods. It is claimed in many texts that there was one for every star in the night sky. Most of course have been forgotten in time. There is only one good god in Mantarit Mythology, Festa which was represented by Wyndelkynd's Moon. The moon of Wyndelkynd has since come to be known commonly as Festa. Festa was regarded as the guardian of the world against these evil spirits. Which were approaching the planet and a final battle between Festa and The Evil Gods would take place at some point in the future.


The Mantarit practised human sacrifice, believing those sacrificed would contribute to strengthening Festa in preparation for the final heavenly war.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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