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Written and spoken across Pagaema, Pagaeman started in Serra, regarded to be The Cradle of Civilisation on Wyndelkynd. As sedentary living spread, Pagaeman was imported to new settlements, serving as a 'Westernising' influence. However it is not a unified language, as time has progressed it has undergone many changes. It has three main branches, Serraic, Azey and Reyk. Each of which can be broken down into regional dialects and variations. However each of the branches are very similar. Pagaeman is by no means the only language spoken in Pagaema, languages much older than it are spoken all over the supercontinent but for the most part these languages remain in use locally. The most widely spoken language in Pagaema other than Pagaeman is Mantarit, which is still widely spoken throughout the Kanesct Peninsula in Serra and remains today the official language of Valetl. Pagaeman when compared to the other languages of Wyndelkynd is the youngest. Pagaeman makes use of an alphabet composed of 30 letters as well as extensive iconography and ideography. The timekeeping system used by Pagaeman speakers is The Serran Calendar. It is one of the three standard languages used in The Wyndelkyndian Confederal Parliament.  






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