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The Zamiotl were the previous occupants of Wyndelkynd, until they transformed the planet and went into hiding.  


  The Zamiotl civilisation are a race of advanced nomads travelling in flocks of mobile planets through space accompanied by Faeries, powerful space-borne creatures much like Faeriel which they created and perfected over millions of years of genetic experimentation and seemed to have established a symboitic relationship. Our homeworld, Wyndelkynd was one such planetship, though at the time it went by the name of Harritannzinciziccan.    We are descendents of The Zincizinc Zamiotl Clan who with the help of Faeriel terraformed the planet into what it looks like today to hide from the Zilloizillo. Before moving to Wyndelkynd, the Zincizinc inhabited the moon we call Festakynd. The Zamiotl considered moons to be an extension of their planetships which is why they did not name them separately, preferring to refer to them as appendages of their planetship. It is understood that the planetships they travelled in varied significantly, their radius was typically whatever size the terrestrial planet was before it was transformed into planetship and could have one to possibly hundreds of moons. It seems however that Zamiotl planetships had universal commonalities. Every planetship was hollow, this was necessary for the hatching of a Faerie to accompany the planet or for it to reincarnate from if it were to be killed. In turn, every planetship had a Faerie, since without them the vast infrastructure of the planetship would deteriorate. Every planetship ran on a combination of minerals extracted from other planets and solar energy acquired by the massive solar arrays on the surface of their central planets. Solar power was insufficient if just used on the moons of the planetship and thus the planetship would be left uninhabited and completely specialised towards energy production and propulsion.  


  The Zamiotl Archives have given scientists a basic understanding of their history, although their early pre-nomadic history still largely remains a mystery, it is known however that they were excellent geneticists before taking flight as nomads. The Zamiotl originated from an unknown system and spread to occupy a region across several galaxies that they called Zanitzatniziriaccanfazamiotlioc (Home Galaxies of Familiarity to the Zamiotl Civilisation). They flourished for millions of years, but slowly The Zilloizilloioc were hunting them. Their flocks began fanning out into deep space hoping to escape the predations of the Zilloizilloioc. They apparently fled in all directions which could mean that thousands of civilisations somewhat similar to us could exist in wildly distant regions of space. The Zincizinc spent approximately a million years trying to evade a Zilloizillo Hunter until ultimately it could no longer avoid it and they decided to hide away.  


  Their society was primarily organised upon the basis of Planetship Clans. These clans controlled between one and hundreds of planetships, often they would split up and merge fleets depending on their circumstances or if they needed to exchange resources. Generally their movements were determined by resources needed to build infrastructure or to power the core of their planet (The Undersun as we call it) or hidden/defensive locations where a Faerie could be gestated inside the hollow interior to fly with a new Planetship or simply to evade predators or hostile clans.    The Zamiotl didn't seem to resort to attacking each other often and seemed to cooperate extensively, especially as The Zilloizillo started hunting them. As for society on individual planetships a great deal of diversity would have resulted from the independence each planet was afforded although cultural similarities would have likely developed among planets that travelled together. The Zamiotl are known to live in small populations, with the population of Harritanzincizinccan only ever exceeding 30 million, a poultry number compared to Wyndelkynd's current population which approaches 8.5 Billion as of 995:7. There is no evidence of any defined gender heirarchy in Zamiotl culture, at least amongst The Zincizinc who seemed to live as if men and women were perfectly equal. The local planetary culture doesn't seem to change much over time, hundreds of thousands of years could pass and a community could still be perfectly recognisable, even after hundreds of generations have come and gone. This may be owed to a different way of percieving time which we have evolved away from to adapt to the demands of primitive living, their ancient expertise in genetics could have been responsible for such rapid evolutionary adaption.   The Zincizinc Clan's culture specifically seemed to enjoy a culture of artistry, and in their post-scarcity, moneyless, stateless society it seems that their fondest passtimes were depicting space, their faerie, their planet, their travels, their history and their people through art. It is noted that their artistic methods show uncanny similarity to those practised in wyndelkyndian art, especially ancient art. They seemed to have no concept of land ownership and viewed themselves rather as property of their planetship. It was recognised by some old records of The Archives that the other planetships in their flock were 'much too martial' and 'lacking lightness of heart' which could have been a factor in their eventual divergence, this is also some of the first evidence of differences of culture.   
artist's depiction of Harritanzincizinccan based off archaeological findings.
When refering to their species in varying scales of countability: Singular - Zamiotl Plural - Zamiotl Collective - Zamiotlioc
Genetic Descendants

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