High Sun Tradition / Ritual in Oleanus | World Anvil

High Sun

On the day the sun is at its zenith, the Decourean people break from their tasks to celebrate life, particularly family units and children.   Mornings are spent preparing all manners of food; fish are slathered in fragrant spices and set to grill, fresh fruit picked and cut, and wine pulled from storage casks.  Children especially look forward to ta'dea susu, a drink made of susu fruit mixed with goat milk, and dea'lo crackers, a treat made of rice crackers mixed with fruit juices and shaped like coral.   Decourean settlements are decorated with boughs of flowers, trimming walls and dipping in the the spaces between buildings.   Come noon, the food is laid out communally, with the entire population coming together to share the meal.  Those that are musically inclined play their instruments or sing.  Adults and older siblings, who often are exhausted from work, take the time to play with the younger members of their families, dancing, playing ball or building sand sculptures.   Perhaps inspired by the family mirth around them, or tipsy on aged wine, High Sun is also a popular time for young adults to propose marriage.


15th day of the 6th month.
Primary Related Location
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