Decourean Islands Geographic Location in Oleanus | World Anvil

Decourean Islands (Duh-core-ay)

Made up of seven islands, the Decourean Archipelago is home to the Decourean people.   The largest of these islands, appropriately named Big Island, is home to the capital city of Decoure.  Another five of the islands, Little Island and the Four Good Children, were settled early in Decourean history, and now considered informal parts of the city.   Only the Bad Child remains unpopulated.  Inaccessible during earlier years, the Bad Child is the only island that lies completely outside of the Sea of Knives and offers few valuable resources and no arable land.


A rocky archipelago made up of six small islands, two with two volcanoes. While the volcanoes are currently dormant, it is not unusual to see plumes of smoke rising from one of the two.   On a clear day, the Altar of Decoure can be seen from the top of the Big Island.


Geothermal and volcanic activity have blessed Decoure with a tropical climate.   Due to the surrounding Sea of Knives, Decoure is home to several species of fish, amphibians and aquatic mammals not found in the rest of Oleanus.   Decoureans are careful not to overfish the waters inside the Sea of Knives, monitoring populations through meticulous records.

Fauna & Flora

Decoure is home to many exotic fauna, due to the isolation created by the Sea of Knives.   The wet tropical climate has given rise to hardy populations of amphibians, insects, fish and aquatic mammals.   Though fauna thrive, flora have had difficulty doing the same.  Trees only grow on the big island, and never taller than the height of a man.  If any forests existed, they were erased by shipwrights for timber.

Natural Resources

Sand grass on Decoure is a major resource.  Whole stalks of sand grass can be boiled into a sap, leaves can be woven into a variety of products from baskets to hammocks, and the fluffy seed pods can be spun into thread, and further woven to fabric.   Volcanic soil is nutrient rich and is used in Decourean medicine as well as fertilizing what crops they grow.


Decoure does not see many outsiders visit their island, as the Sea of Knives poses a dangerous threat to most ships.


  • Decoure City Map
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