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Palebank resides on the northwestern shore of the Iapalla Peninsula. One of the closest settlements to the Trinity Islands of the north, the town is an official fishing outpost for the nearby mountain city of Rosborg . With long grueling winters and short and beautiful summers, the village has been steadily growing as more individuals are willing the fare the weather for the possibility of northern excitement in the form of Trinity explorers and their found treasures.


As a fishing outpost of the nearby dwarven mountain haven, many denizens of the town are dwarves and humans. A variety of folk come through the town as a stopping point between the mainlands and Trinity Islands, one can see fishers, rangers, whalers, adventurers, folks running from their past or a person, escorts of mages passing through... all going about with their own business and agendas.


The town is run mostly on a simple trade routine. Standard universal laws are enacted, but the few Cardinal Command sent from Rosborg keep relative peace. Taxes go mostly back to Rosborg, as do most shipments. As the Cardinal Command is mostly just muscle and a scare tactic, inner operations such as familial crime and unsolved mysteries have been capable of taking hold of the town.


Palebank is a small village, unwalled and open to the elements. The village has a small battalion of Cardinal Command that protects the settlement against any ill-intended creatures or peoples. Most of the people of the village are also willing to take up arms to protect their village. Many are rangers and veteran explorers with experience to back up their fire.


The Jolly Dwarf - Inn
  • Art Montok - dwarf, innkeeper
  • Neutral good - big heart
The Nest - Cardinal Command Bastion
  • Commanded by Cormar Richidon
  • Sergeant Antonio Campos Boaventura
  • Neutral - trying his best
  Blackiron Blades - Shop and Smithy
  • Garth and Milli Blackiron - dwarves, smith and shopkeep
  • Neutral Good - stubborn
  Lilt's Curios - Curiosity and Relic Trading
  • Mi'ina Lilt - elf, wizard, shop owner
  • Neutral - cunning
Temple to Melora
  • Misha Knuckleknee - human, ranger & acolyte
  • Neutral - cold
Port Control
  • Byram 'Whale-Eye' Ward - human, sailor
  • Chaotic - jumpy
Characters in Location


Palebank rests on the western shore of the North Iapalla Penninsula. With access to the frozen but freshwater of the sea, it is a fair fishing town. Mountains to the east block the harshest of winters, but the cold wind of the Frostheild Tundra brings a bite to the air as well as hungry wandering beasts.

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