House Artemis


Because of the relatively small population on its home world of Delos IV, House Artemis relies typically on heavily localized political entities unified in a federal republic. While there is still a central government, each province defers to its local government first. Because of this, the many local governments exert strong authority over the central government. House Artemis is unique in that its nobility is no longer part of a ruling class or landed elite. A widespread revolution at the start of the colony centuries ago resulted in a surprisingly peaceful deposition of any domain or succession by the nobility. The fact that such an event could even occur baffled the other Houses, but House Artemis remained an outlier in this trend of revolution; this reform has endured for centuries. Despite being a House in which elected officials of each province are heads of their respectful range of jurisdiction, House Artemis has no formal head of the House. Instead, a council composed of each provincial head--often called a Voice--convenes to discuss issues both planetary (in the case of Delos IV) and sector-wide. With modern technology, these conventions can be held from almost any distance, but the Voices of House Artemis still prefer to meet in person when possible. It is normally frowned upon when a Voice refuses to meet physically, but the public often makes exceptions when a Voice is occupied with some matter of import or particularly far away on some kind of business.   In spite of--or perhaps due to--the lack of a strong central leadership, each provincial head becomes a personality of their own. Competition for political positions is fierce because of the relatively short terms (one year with no limits) in office. Those with the most charisma and the highest aptitude to lead productively are the most chosen candidates to be a Voice. Challenging an incumbent is often a difficult task, and while there is no term limit, there is a consecutive term limit. No Voice is allowed to serve office for more than four consecutive years, but they may run again after a 'broken term.'   The transitional nature of the government of House Artemis does not impede its dealings with the Divine Imperium, where it still sends representatives to serve on the Divine Council.

"The arrow flies true."


Advanced Weaponry
Clandestine Operations
Magic: Godhunters
Psionics: Teleportation

Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages


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