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Beatrice Balthazar Bertram

Beatrice Balthazar Bertram (a.k.a. Bea)

Beatrice is a small half-goblin half halfling woman. She's known throughout all of the four factions for her incredible town/bazaar. On a surface level, she's perfectly friendly if not not occasionally off-putting due to her backhanded comments. Get on her bad side however and you'll be there for eternity.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: haggling, playing the harp, archery, weirdly good at arm wrestling. Ineptitudes: Running, drinking, animal handling.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Time alone, baked goods, a good price, haggling, playing the harp, small trinkets (pocket watches especially). Dislikes: Being in public for extended amounts of time, the smell of most flowers, bards, thieves, alcohol.

Virtues & Personality perks

Charismatic, strong-willed, spitfire.

Vices & Personality flaws

Selfish, brazen, put's on a mask when in public, becomes angered when her ego is bruised.

Personality Quirks

readjusts jewelry when board, plays with her pocket watch dial when nervous.


Though she hates filth, her numerous trinkets tend to pile up when unchecked.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Hazel, relaxed.
Other Affiliations


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