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Forgotten Citadel of X'zyvu

Deep under the soil and foliage of X'zyvu is a Citadel. Created millions of years ago it's original purpose has been lost with time. Inside one might find statues depicting unknown deities, ancient tablets written in unknown languages, mysterious sounds and still air with chalky smells.

Purpose / Function



Each room is built with sleek limestone walls and rounded corners. Many rooms have ancient glyphs and artwork chiseled into them depicting stories of unknown men and women battling a giant serpent-like creature.


In the deep recesses of the X’zyvan jungle lies a long-forgotten citadel. It’s owners from an era long passed. Should a traveler have insight into the trillion year-long histories of Omentibus they would find it dates back as far as the primeval era. It’s creators, a race of undeveloped bipedal predecessors. Though almost formless these elder hominids can be identified by their six-digit hands and three-eyed faces. This temple was built by these creatures who shall henceforth be referred to as the Protian. Inside the temple are many lost artifacts of the primordial era, and lost data pertaining to the nature of The Maelstrom. The exact nature of the citadel is unknown. It spirals deep into the planet and is guarded by many traps and difficult locks. It could be theorized that it was at one point a place of study, it could also be construed as a place of worship as inside are many large statues and murals depicting possible ancient gods.
4500 PE
Parent Location


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