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A New Dawn

"Dearest Master Atoris, my noble friend -
Master Legacy Keeper Sharzarith Varona's 'Aeons of War: Volume III' describes, among others, a battle fought over 1000 years ago. The War of Thunder saw clashes between legions of dragons, wherein the great Gemstone Dragons struggled against the Chromatics for territory, wealth, and dominance. These titanic creatures wrought devestation across the continent of Omiralon, the scars of which can still be seen in the Mystic Sisters and the Frostgale if one knows where to look. The Continent had not seen such a devastating battle within the age. Certainly, no living mortal would have chosen to stand witness to the destruction and carnage a war spanning nearly half the continent would leave in it's wake. But this war, while important, is not the one I wish to research.
  I don't consider myself a particularly devout member of dwarven society; I pray on occasion to Hethuum, Qhiriles, and Mehella'su, as was my upbringing, but I am not guided by faith - nor am I blinded by it. This is a luxury in this world that I think we sometimes fail to appreciate. The Gods are real, there is no question. The Gods are powerful, there is no question. They can affect our world in many ways and we see this every day. But there is a limit, and there is a symbiosis. The power they wield is naturally beyond mortal comprehension, but our most ancient of records and holy books claim it is not infinite. Some theorize is is built upon the worship given by their devout. Others claim it draws from a wellspring of the life force of those under their domain. Whatever the truth, without our world and all that is in it, the Immortal's powers would wane and could even be extinguished. Put more simply - the Gods can, in fact, bleed.

  Indeed, the tomes of old speak of wars so violent, so devastating that they shook they foundations of Omiralon, reshaping the face of the land. The Gods fought incredibly powerful primordial creatures; the struggles continued across generations of our dwarven ancestors, pushing the Gods to the brink of even their existence. Were it not for their divine protection, the cultures in Omiralon might not have survived. This, however, brings me to the crux of my historical research: was it truly our Gods that spared us, or were we perhaps inconsequential pawns in a battle for the ultimate power? Are there forces that lie in wait even still, biding their time until they may erupt once more to shift the balance of power in a new direction?

    Given the rumors of recent events, I fear this may be so, but to find the answers I seek, I must witness the destruction first hand and consult the great historical texts of our peoples. To that end, I am travelling to your home, to Amnethyr, by way of Kjallaksholl. I fully trust that you, having the ear of the Academy, will greet me within the Jade following my arduous journey, waiting with still hot tea in hand. But for now, I must make haste, for I believe we have much to discuss.

  Until then, my Friend. May the All-mother guide us all. "
  ~ Elrumir Emberhorn, Jarl Elder.

Plot points/Scenes

Ask around for goals before the session, write them down, and spend a second getting a good draw for the ruin. They are on the island in the astral sea. A broken down sailing ship is also on the island, as well as a ruin, with potentially valuable information or treasure. The Ruin is, upon inspection, the last place Aoqos resided before becoming a Made God. Some denizen of the Astral Sea has taken up residence there. The Ruin was a resting place for Aoqos for centuries, a place to be outside of the Material before true Godhood. Now, it is a briny, damp, and dark place. Even the walls are slick with disuse. It also appears that it might crumble at any minute. A fountain in the courtyard holds the key to the entrance. Planing one's hand through the water opens the door. The furthest back room in the ruin is a Wayroom. It is an ornate, large room that will only open the portal by uttering one of the tenets of Aoqos' creed. A pedestal to one side glows blue with his symbol on it when anyone speaks aloud in the chamber, as if listening for the phrases. If the party goes through the portal in the room and do not in some way attempt to close it, it will remain open, allowing other denizens to pass through as well.
Plot type
Overarching Theme
Parent Plot
Related Locations


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