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The Solihana, or as most refer to them in the Trader's Tongue, High Elves, are a proud and prosperous people. The Solihana Dynasty, currently lead by Sovereign Speaker of the Sun, Kindreth Eilran has been the ruling power for generations in their capital city of Amnethyr. While the culture has traditionally been very inward-focused, The Speaker for the Sun has been doing what he can to bring his people around to coexistence with other cultures in Omiralon. Traditions are tough to change, though, and there has been pushback. Amnethyr maintains a magical wall around the city to keep out unwanted guests in conjunction with an illusion of walls visible only from the outside. This wall allows the Solihana the protection from the outside world they desire, without sacrificing the vistas and views of the surrounding natural world they cherish.


Major language groups and dialects

The primary language among the Solihana is Sedonhi, also known as Elven to most, though most scholars seek to learn it's archaic ancestor, Silvan, as well. Most elves are also well versed in the Trader's Tongue (Common), but use it only as often as absolutely necessary. For most Solihana, this is not often, given the relative lack of outsider migration to Amnethyr.

Shared customary codes and values

All elves share the love of nature and the desire to nurture and care for it, though the sub-cultures often interpret this differently. The Solihana seek to adapt nature to suit the goals of their people, guiding nature to achieve better harmony with it, while not altering the qualities that are intrinsic. Many Solihana also view their culture as the "true heirs" of Celia's favor and power, having gained dominion over most of the elven realms, but this is not a completely universal value and is contested heavily by the other elven sub-cultures.

Common Etiquette rules

It is common, when greeting another Solihana, to bow with one's hands clasped behind the back. If in the presence of nobility or of the Speaker, this is furthered to a bow on one knee.
Typical Lifespan: 350-400 years
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