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Associated Schools of Magic


The school of Divination focuses on revealing secret knowledge to the mage, whether ancient or contemporary, arcane or divine. Divination, while often flaunted as a "divine right" by the uninformed pious, can be just as easily nefarious and is an often-overlooked route to treachery. 


The school of Abjuration, individual spells of which are often labeled "wards" aims to protect the mage and their companions. However, ambitious mages within the Academy know of abjuration's offensive power and have been known to call upon that power if needed. 


The school of Conjuration focuses on creating, summoning, or banishing objects and creatures. Like Divination, nefarious uses of conjuration, while rare, can often be overlooked by the uninitiated, leading to cases of serial offenses by those who would use it for ill.

Divine Domains


Seen as the "bright and good" Arcane, Taeyun is often closely associated with both Kirafis, the white moon, and the sun. Even the layman outside the Academy has likely heard Taeyun's name, and while not many worship outright, it is not uncommon to ask Taeyun's blessing at the dawn of an auspicious or important day. Within the Academy, the Order of White Robes follows Taeyun's guidance, often becoming healers or diviners in service to a city or lord.


No scholar debates that Taeyun embodies and governs Restoration. What they do debate, however, is whether that association is due to the high number and visibility of the Order of White Robes in a given city and their notoriety as excellent healers, or if Taeyun had been associated before the practice. Regardless, any individual with the fortune to be offered the service of a white-robed mage can be assured they are in the hands of a true healer. 

Tenets of Faith

  • The highest purpose in life is the reunification of the whole.
  • The defender of others shall be granted an immovable spirit. 
  • A new day is greater than an old flame. 


Sakal, or The Day of Dawn in the Trader's Tongue, has been observed since well beyond living memory, even for the longest-lived cultures. The initial rituals and celebrations of the day are lost to time, but the holiday has evolved through practice and is widely accepted to both the devout and unbelieving alike. Both joyful and solemn, the day is a celebration of completing a year, and a period of rest and preparation for the year to come. For most, the festivities are celebrated from High Moon until the Dawn of the first day of Sindam, on which the year officially begins. Young children, buildings, and new familial or commercial connections are blessed on this day, ensuring they endure the year. While Ciari is often worshipped on this day, as it is the start of the planting season, the White-Robed Mages know that this day has always been dedicated to Taeyun. Sakal, for them, begins a week-long period of contemplation of the precepts of the order, each mage re-aligning themselves to the ideals. This time is often observed while fasting, though the practice is not obligatory.
One of Three The deities of magic, known as the "Arcanes" are worshipped nearly exclusively by mages. Protectors of the fabric of magic in Omiralon, the Arcanes work together, despite their opposing teachings, to maintain the balance of magic. Even the youngest of the students at The Academy are taught to respect each of the three no matter which, if any, they choose to follow. In the ancient tales, they often work together by the request of Qhiriles, as the arbiters between the gods. They are respected, even between the Immortals, as being impartial judges.
Divine Classification
Arcane, Deity


Taeyun is represented by the arcane runic language's rune for Sun.


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