Free City of Restov
Restov is a trade and cultural center that borders the River Kingdoms, the Shrike River, and the Stolen Lands.
Dueling schools
As the birthplace of the Aldori dueling style, the city boasts several Aldori and Taldan dueling schools, which has led to the city being a favored place for young nobles to practice dueling championships.[4] Most prominent among them is the Aldori Academy, widely regarded as the region's finest war college.[5] A large number of Aldori duelists came to the city from Rostland after Choral the Conqueror united Brevoy.
While the swordlords are the most prestigious and well-known of these schools, others teach complementary or adversarial styles, and their students—disparagingly referred to as "bravos" of "lesser schools" by traditionalists—often duel prospective swordlords and each other on the streets of Restov.
Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius leads the city. Sellemius is not from any of the noble families, which allows the inhabitants to keep the memories of the Aldori swordlords and times before Choral the Conqueror alive.
A council of Swordlords aid the mayor in ruling Restov. Mayor Sellemius is a member of this council and acts as its representative.