Kingdom of the Restored Lands Military

Standing Army

Stationed at Tuskwater Castle

  • Marshal Legolin Riverwing
  • Captain Kesten Garess (Fullplate, Longsword/Crossbow, Level 5)
  • 5 Brevoy Veteran Soldier lieutenant (Fullplate, Longsword/Crossbow, Level 3)
  • 25 Man-at-Arms, Swordsmen (In Training)(Unequiped)
  • 25 Man-at-Arms, Archers (In Training)(Unequiped)
  • Infrastructure

    Tuskwater Castle

  • Threas: The Curtain Walls have two massive holes!
  • Threat: The Moat is filled with mud!
  • Threat: None of the military buildings are staffed with units.
  • Fort Serenko

  • Threat: No military presense apart from the Barony of Serenko Militia
  • Northcliff Fort

  • Threat: Threat: Currently unoccupied and threatened by Clan Sootscale and Tartuccio's forces
  • Draft Militia

    Young Men, under 30 (Rate of about 10%)
  • Barony of Oleg's Beach Oleg Leveton + 50 Human Villagers
  • Barony of Serenko Thane Middlewheat + 50 Human Villagers
  • Barony of Lakegate Lady Tephysea Selusil & Rem Moya with a retinue 50 Human Villagers
  • Clan Alaru Chief Sminx Auldsnear + 50 Red Kobold Hunters
  • Royal Barony of Stagfall Harenra Talfin + 50 Battlehardened Centaurs + 100 Human Villagers
  • Barony of Thorncross Duke Auldtree + 5 Half Giant LumberJacks + 25 Human Villagers
  • Founding Date
    12 Pharast 4710
    Parent Organization


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