Landed Titles

Number of Allowed Baron / Baroness plus Count / Countess Titles (based on greatest rank)

  • Emperor / Empress 10 + Intelligence Modifier Landed Titles
  • KIng / Queen 7 + Intelligence Modifier Landed Titles
  • Duke / Duchess 5 + Intelligence Modifier Landed Titles +
  • Count / Countess 3 + Int Modifier Landed Titles
  • Baron / Baroness 1 + Intelligence Modifier Landed Titles
  • Number of Allowed Duke / Duchess Titles

  • Emperor / Empress 5
  • KIng / Queen 3
  • Duke / Duchess 2
  • Count / Countess 0
  • Baron / Baroness 0
  • As of 13 Pharast 4710, Queen Pria Tesju has the following titles:

  • Queen of Kingdom of the Restored Lands Military
  • Countess of County of Greenbelt
  • Countess of County of Narlmarches Woods
  • Baroness of Royal Barony of Stagfall
  • Baroness pf Barony of Thorncross
  • Baroness of Barony of Serenko
  • Baroness of Barony of Oleg's Beach
  • Baroness of Barony of Lakegate
  • That is 2 Counties and 5 Baronies for a total of 7 landed titles. Pria Tesju as a Queen can have a total of 7 + Her intelligence modifier (2) counties and Baronies for a total of 9. Queen pria can only manage directly another 2 baronies and/or counties before she has to hand to someone else the management of any title.


    Lord Mayor

    Lord Mayor are non-hereditary landed titles, that can be handed over by the owner to someone to manage. Lord Mayors are not nobility and cannot command military settlements (forts/castles). Baronies can be converted to Cities if they have no command military infrastructure and therefore can be managed by a Lord Mayor


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