A task from Gundren

General Summary

Aur, the bird. Caelum, the ranger, and Bob the esteeemed noble. Three completely different individuals meet one night at the Noble's Drink Inn in on the north east end of Neverwinter. They have each been sent there by the request of Gundren Rockseeker, a wryly dwarf who promised each of them 10 gold pieces for the small but speedy escort of a wagon-load of supplies Before going to bed in the tavern: • Aur flew up to the roof and scouted out the are, then snuck in and slept in one of the nice rooms upstairs, without waking the whole family of paid occupants currently in that room • Bob tried to sweet talk the tavern keeper, failed, but impressed them all with the gold he shelled out. Before heading to bed he walked down the road east of the tavern, until coming across a small but finely crafted statue to the god of endurance: Ilmature • Caelum simply paid for a room and went to sleep.   In the morning: • Aur went and fished in the river east of Neverwinter, then tried to go and convince the tavern keeper to cook his fish. When that failed, he went and managed to piss off one of the fish mongers on the docks. He then headed to the cart • Bob tied to sweet talk the boy prepping the tavern in the morning, and although the boy was impressed after hearing about this rich man, Bob did not manage to get what he wanted. • Caelum headed to a general shop and purchased a fishing tackle then headed to the wagon   They headed down the path and about 2 days in, Caelum decided to cut in towards the trees. Bob followed, making a bet on who could hunt the largest game. Aur flew above, scouting the area. • Caelum went in and found a deer, but also came across two goblins • Bob, not used to this terrain or lifestyles, was trailing far behind • Aur was flying around and did see the encounter and Caelum also approaching the goblins They defeated the two wandering goblins and after a trek through the rest of the night, they make it back to the cart. They took turns taking long rests in the back of the cart until they made it to an ambush site.   They defeated the remaining two goblins that were stationed at the ambush site and discovered that the two dead horses belonged to Gundren Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter. They headed straight up the path and Aur discovered both traps as they went.

Rewards Granted

  • xp
  • cruddy arrows and bows
  • rusty scimitars 
  • a small gnarled piece of wood, roughly depicting the image of the goblin god Maglubiyet

Missions/Quests Completed

Progressing through Escorting Gundren's Supplies

Character(s) interacted with

Normal Goblins statue for the God of Endurance Ilmater
The adventures of intention
Report Date
10 Oct 2019
Secondary Location


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