
A struggling settlement trying to rebuild on the ruins of its past.


Residence include mostly Human or Dwarf.


The local town master is the only form of a leader in the village. That position is elected by the village yearly, and their main job is as a judge for minor squabbles. The guards are voluntary among the older men, and they mostly coordinate with each other and one of the town masters advisers to ensure one or two of the men have one of the weapons on them that the guards all share.


1-2 voluntary guards watching the town whenever they can manage

Industry & Trade

Ore and wood are the main trades coming from this small village


Simple but sturdy wooden buildings line the roads, on top of stone ruins of a previously larger settlement. There is a large forge and wood processing building on the south end of town

Natural Resources

Wood from the forests. Ore from the hills

Articles under Phandalin


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